
  • 1 participants
  • 249 discussions

Three Open Rank Professorships in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
by Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller
1 year, 8 months

Postdoc Position - AI & Data Science - UOS
by Martin Atzmüller
1 year, 8 months

Research Associate/PhD (m/f/d) position at the Division of Psychological Methods and Statistics, Oldenburg, Germany
by Jörge Minula
1 year, 9 months

Call for Participation: 17th Intl. Conf. on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA 2023)
by Gerd Stumme
1 year, 9 months

Promotionsstelle Data Science für hierarchische Daten an der Universität Kassel
by Gerd Stumme
1 year, 9 months

Ausschreibung W3-Professur "Wissensverarbeitung in hybriden KI-Systemen" an der Universität Osnabrück (bis: 31.05.2023)
by Martin Atzmüller
1 year, 9 months

Call for Participation: ACM/IEEE JCDL 2023, June 26 - 30, 2023, Santa Fe
by Robert Jäschke
1 year, 10 months

Professorship for Human-AI Interaction
by Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller
1 year, 10 months

6 PostDoc positions in Trustworthy, Reliable, and Safe Machine Learning
by Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller
1 year, 10 months

Stelle als Postdoc - AI & Data Science - Semantische Informationssysteme/Uni Osnabrück
by Martin Atzmüller
1 year, 10 months
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