Call for Papers for RuleML+RR conference — deadline extension
RuleML+RR 2022
26th-28th September in Berlin & on-line, Germany
(part of DeclarativeAI and co-located with DecisionCAMP and the 18th
Reasoning Web Summer School)
The RuleML+RR 2022 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI:
Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with
DecisionCAMP 2022 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the
RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.
The 6th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR
2022) is the leading international joint conference in the field of
rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build
bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.
See . We are looking for high-quality
papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies, and
artificial intelligence applications that involve rule-based
representation and reasoning.
Due to numerous requests, the deadline for RuleML+RR has been extended
substantially. The important *new* dates for the RuleML+RR conference are:
* June 19th: abstract submission deadline
* June 23rd: paper submission deadline – strict!
* August 1st: Notification of acceptance
* September 26th-28th: Conference
The confirmed keynote speakers for RuleML+RR are:
Ian Horrocks (University of Oxford)
Torsten Schaub (University of Potsdam)
Christian de Saint Marie (IBM France)
Paul Vincent (Industry Analyst)
RuleML+RR 2022 Programm Chairs
* Guido Governatori, Brisbane, Australia (gvdgdo(a)
* Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
RuleML+RR welcomes research from all areas of Rules and Reasoning.
The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
### Ontology/Semantic Web
* Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
* Ontology-based mediated query answering
* Rules for knowledge graphs and ontology learning
* Rule-based data integration
* Data management and data interoperability for web data
* Distributed agent-based systems for the web
### Rules for AI and AI for Rules
* Rule-based approaches to natural language processing
* Applications of rule technologies with explainable AI (xAI) elements
* Machine learning approaches involving rules
* Explainable AI approaches based on rules,
* Rule-based approaches for intelligent systems and intelligent
information access
### Rules and Reasoning / Logics
* Non-classical logics and the web
* Description Logics, existential rules
* Higher-order and modal rules
* Constraint programming
* Logic programming, ASP and datalog
* Rule based argumentation
* Rule-based approaches to agents and multi-agent systems
* Reasoning with incomplete, inconsistent and uncertain data
* Non-monotonic, common-sense, and closed-world reasoning
* Inconsistency-tolerant rule reasoning
### Technical Aspects of Rule Systems / Rule Technology
* Streaming data and complex event processing
* Web reasoning and distributed rule inference and execution
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for the Semantic Web
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for rules
### Rules and Interoperability
* Rule markup languages, rule interchange formats, and rule standards
* Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
* Rules and human language technology
### System descriptions, applications and experiences of ontologies and
rules in:
* climate change monitoring, mitigation & adaptation
* environmental protection
* healthcare and life sciences
* equity and social welfare
* law, regulation, and finance
* Digital Twins
* Industrial contexts
* Production & business rule systems
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main conference track
High-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies,
and artificial intelligence applications concerning explainable
algorithmic decision-making that involve rule-based representation and
reasoning are solicited.
We accept the following submission formats for papers:
* Long papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style including references)
* Short papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS style including references)
Long papers should present original and significant research and/or
development results. Short papers should concisely describe general
results or specific applications, systems, or position statements. All
submissions must be prepared in Springer's LNCS style
Submissions to the RuleML+RR conference
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a
workshop with informal proceedings is allowed. Papers put on arXiv are
also allowed as long as they are not refereed (i.e., formally reviewed
by peers). Please see for
further details on preparing the submission. Papers can be submitted
using EasyChair .
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) after the conference. A
selection of the accepted papers of RuleML+RR 2021 will be invited for
submission to the Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
(TPLP) published by Cambridge University Press.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16th International Rule Challenge Track
The Rule Challenge solicits high quality papers focussing on practical
problems - or challenges - related to rule-based approaches. We welcome
two different kinds of submissions:
(1) Challenge descriptions: papers describing open challenges,
interesting problems from academia or industry, and benchmarks which are
of interest for the community and can be solved by rule-based
approaches, including task description, datasets, and the evaluation
(2) Challenge solutions: Papers supplying benchmarking or comparison
results for rule engines, rule-based machine learning techniques,
illustrating rule- and model-driven engineering, reporting on case
studies and industrial experiences, and realizing mobile deployment of
rule-based reasoning.
All submissions must be formatted in the LNCS style and should be
between 8-15 pages. The paper submission deadline is July 7th, 2022. The
submission page is .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Doctoral Consortium Track
hosted at RuleML+RR 2022 aims at promoting student research in
Artificial Intelligence, especially research on rule-based formalisms
and reasoning. It offers PhD students close contact with leading experts
in the field, as well as the opportunity to present and discuss their
ideas in a dynamic and friendly setting.
We invite PhD students at an early or intermediate stage of their PhD
studies as well as exceptional Master’s students who are interested in
pursuing a PhD to submit papers describing their research on any of the
topics of interest to RuleML+RR 2022. RuleML+RR DC papers are limited
to 8 pages written in English following the LNCS format and submitted
electronically in PDF format jointly with a maximum 2 pages CV. Details
can be found in the RuleML+RR 2022 DC CfP
( The
paper submission deadline is July 7th, 2022 (titles/abstracts are due on
June 30, 2022). Papers can be submitted via .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Important *new* dates for the RuleML+RR conference
* June 19th: abstract submission deadline
* June 23rd: paper submission deadline – strict!
* August 1st: Notification of acceptance
* September 26th-28th: Conference
For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE applies.
Check out further details materializing at
Dear colleagues,
We have an open position as Professor/Associate professor (Førsteamanuensis) with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Health in our research group at NTNU in Trondheim Norway.
The main field of research will be within Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, with a particular focus on health applications, i.e., Artificial Intelligence and Health. The professor is expected to play an important role in research and research-based education within this field, in cooperation with existing staff at both the IE and medical faculty. The position will be connected to the Norwegian Open AI Lab (NAIL). More specifically, the relevant topics for the position include (but are not limited to):
• AI methods for precision and personalized medicine
• Synthetic data generation and data analysis for health applications
• Explainable AI in healthcare addressing among others data quality, development, robustness and performance
• Trustworthy AI in healthcare addressing among others data access, bias, privacy, purpose and implementation
The research in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science is driven by an interest in contributing to the state-of-the-art at the level of individual methods and algorithms, coupled with an interest in studying and developing fruitful combinations of methods related to the health domain.
The research activities are expected to have a strong international profile and impact. Our strongest contributions to the international research front so far have been within Bayesian learning and probabilistic reasoning, evolutionary learning and neural networks, and instance-based learning and case-based reasoning. In addition, we have ongoing activities within large-scale data and information management at an international level. Over the last years there has been an increased interest in applying AI and machine learning methods on the health domain, and NAIL has already had a lot of activities around this topic. For the new position, it will be important to find candidates that complement (and build on) the competence already present at IDI and the IE Faculty.
Applicants must have a formal background in computer science, with research focus on AI and/or machine learning.
For more information, please visit the full description of the position here:…
Please share the position with relevant candidates.
Kind regards,
Kerstin Bach
* ______________________________________________________________________ *
The RCRA group (Knowledge Representation & Automated Reasoning) of
the AI*IA (Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence)
organizes the
29th RCRA workshop on
Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving
problems with combinatorial explosion (RCRA 2022)
affiliated to the 16th International Conference on Logic
Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2022)
September, 5th, 2022; Genova, Italy
RCRA group web site:
Workshop web site: TBA,
* ______________________________________________________________________ *
This event follows the series of the RCRA (Knowledge
Representation and Automated Reasoning) annual meetings, held
since 1994. The success of the previous events shows that RCRA is
becoming a major forum for exchanging ideas and proposing
experimentation methodologies for algorithms in Artificial
* ______________________________________________________________________ *
Paper submission deadline: July 10th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: August 1st, 2022
Final version of accepted original papers: August 22nd, 2022
RCRA workshop: September 5th, 2022
Many problems in Artificial Intelligence show an exponential
explosion of the search space. Although stemming from different
research areas in AI, such problems are often addressed with
algorithms that have a common goal: the effective exploration of
huge state spaces. Many algorithms developed in one research area
are applicable to other problems, or can be hybridized with
techniques in other areas. Artificial Intelligence tools often
exploit or hybridize techniques developed by other research
communities, such as Operations Research. In recent years, research
in Artificial Intelligence has more and more focused on experimental
evaluation of algorithms, the development of suitable methodologies
for experimentation and analysis, the study of languages and the
implementation of systems for the definition and solution of
Scope of the workshop is fostering the cross-fertilization of ideas
stemming from different areas, proposing benchmarks for new
challenging problems, comparing models and algorithms from an
experimental viewpoint, and, in general, comparing different
approaches with respect to efficiency, problem modeling, and ease of
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Experimental evaluation of algorithms for
o knowledge representation
o automated reasoning
o planning
o scheduling
o machine learning
o model checking
o boolean satisfiability (SAT)
o constraint programming
o argumentation
o temporal reasoning
o combinatorial optimization
o quantified boolean formulae and quantified constraints
o modal logics
o logic programming
o answer set programming
o ontological reasoning
* Definition and construction of benchmarks
* Experimentation methodologies
* Metaheuristics
* Algorithm hybridization
* Static analysis of combinatorial problems
* Languages and systems for definition and solution of problems
* Comparisons between systems and algorithms
* Application experiences (visualization, graphics, security, transports,...)
Marco Maratea University of Genova, Italy
Mauro Vallati University of Huddersfield, UK
University of Genova, Italy
The workshop will take place in Genova Nervi, Italy, in the
Collegio Emiliani (, which is a college
directly situated on the see.
Of course, we will continuously monitor the pandemic situation in
order to evaluate whether the conference can be indeed held as an
in-person event, or we will need to switch to a hybrid event, if not
completely on-line.
Authors are invited to submit either original and non-original papers.
Publications showing negative results are welcome, provided that the
approach was original and very promising in principle, the
experimentation was well-conducted, the results obtained were
unforeseeable and gave important hints in the comprehension of the
target problem, helping other researchers to avoid unsuccessful
Workshop submissions must be in PDF format, do not exceed 15 (for
full papers) or 8 (for short papers) pages, and should be written in
LaTeX, using the LNCS style.
RCRA 2022 uses EasyChair for the submission of contributions.
Contributions must be submitted through this page:
All submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee (TBD).
In case of need, the workshop co-chairs can be contacted by sending
an email to:,
CEUR-WS Proceedings:
Accepted original papers will be published in the AIxIA series of CEUR-WS
AI*IA Series on (upon authors confirmation)
Moreover, as in some previous editions (,
we are considering the possibility of having a special issue of an
international journal, provided that a sufficient amount of high quality
papers is collected. All technical papers, original and non-original, will
be eligible.
* RCRA 2021 as a workshop of AI*IA 2021, Virtual
* RCRA 2020 as a workshop of AI*IA 2020, Virtual
* RCRA 2018 as a workshop of FLoC 2018, Oxford, UK
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special
issue of Fundamenta Informaticae
* RCRA 2017 as a workshop of AI*IA 2017, Bari, Italy
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special
issue of Fundamenta Informaticae
* RCRA 2016 as a workshop of AI*IA 2016, Genova, Italy
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special
issue of JETAI
* RCRA 2015 as a workshop of AI*IA 2015, Ferrara, Italy
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special
issue of Fundamenta Informaticae
* RCRA 2014 as a workshop of SAT 2014, IJCAR 2014 and ICLP 2014,
Vienna, Austria -
Extended versions of the best papers will appear in a special
issue of AI Communications
* Previous editions:
We are pleased to invite you to the second Samsung virtual workshop
titled “When Deep Learning Meets Logic”, which will take place from June
6 to June 8, 2022. The workshop is co-organized by Vaishak Belle
(University of Edinburgh), Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen), and Efi Tsamoura
(Samsung AI, Cambridge) and is sponsored by Samsung AI.
The first “When Deep Learning Meets Logic” workshop was held virtually
in 2021 hosting talks from renowned academics and researchers, including
Leslie Valiant and Christos Papadimitriou, and had more than 1,000
attendees from world-leading research institutes and tech industries.
Similar to the first workshop, the second one
( will overview and present recent
advances in the area of neuro-symbolic integration hosting talks from
world-renewed researchers in computational neuroscience, deep learning,
logic, computer vision, natural language understanding, and robotics.
The schedule can be found below.
Monday 6 June
· 2 PM BST. Daniel Lee, Samsung Research. Introduction/Greeting
· 2.15 PM BST - 3 PM BST. Alan Yuille, Johns Hopkins University.
Generative Models and the Mismeasure of Artificial Intelligence
· 3.15 PM BST – 4 PM BST. Pablo Barcelo. Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile. Foundations of Symbolic Languages for Model
· 4.15 PM BST – 5 PM BST. Gary Marcus. Geometric Intelligence,
Robust.AI, and Professor Emeritus, New York University. TBA
Tuesday 7 June
· 2 PM BST – 2.45 PM BST. Dan Roth, University of Pennsylvania, On
Reasoning, Planning, and Incidental Supervision
· 3 PM BST – 3.45 PM BST. Joohyung Lee, Samsung. Injecting Logical
Constraints into Neural Networks
· 4 PM BST – 4.45 PM BST. Leopoldo Bertossi, Universidad Adolfo
Ibáñez. Counterfactual-Based Explanations for Classification Outcomes:
Semantics and Reasoning
· 5 PM BST – 5.45 PM BST. Abhinav Gupta, Carnegie Mellon
University. The Knowledge, Action Cycle
Tuesday 8 June
· 2 PM BST – 2.45 PM BST. Wolfgang Maass, Technische Universität
Graz. Neural network function without learning: How can nature achieve
· 3 PM BST – 3.45 PM BST. Maximilian Nickel, Facebook AI Research.
Modeling Symbolic Domains via Compositional and Geometric
· 4 PM BST – 4.45 PM BST. Haggai Maron, NVIDIA. Subgraph
Aggregation Networks
· 5 PM BST – 5.45 PM BST. Rainer Gemulla, University of Mannheim.
Knowledge Graph Embeddings: Models, Methods, Future?
· 6 PM BST – 6.15 PM BST. Workshop Organizers. Closing Remarks.
Attendance will be free and open to the public, while QA sessions will
allow the attendees to actively participate. To register, please follow
the link:
More information can be found at
For any questions, please write to efi.tsamoura(a)
RuleML+RR 2022
26th-28th September in Berlin & on-line, Germany
(part of DeclarativeAI and co-located with DecisionCAMP and the 18th
Reasoning Web Summer School)
The RuleML+RR 2022 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI:
Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with
DecisionCAMP 2022 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the
RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.
The 6th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR
2022) is the leading international joint conference in the field of
rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build
bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.
See . We are looking for high-quality
papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies, and
artificial intelligence applications that involve rule-based
representation and reasoning.
Important dates for the RuleML+RR conference
* May 24th: Title and abstract submission
* June 2nd: Paper submission deadline
* August 1st: Notification of acceptance
* September 26th-28th: Conference
The confirmed keynote speakers for RuleML+RR are:
Ian Horrocks (University of Oxford),
Torsten Schaub (University of Potsdam),
Christian de Saint Marie (IBM France), and
Paul Vincent (Industry Analyst)
RuleML+RR 2022 Programm Chairs
* Guido Governatori, Brisbane, Australia (gvdgdo(a)
* Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
RuleML+RR welcomes research from all areas of Rules and Reasoning.
The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
### Ontology/Semantic Web
* Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
* Ontology-based mediated query answering
* Rules for knowledge graphs and ontology learning
* Rule-based data integration
* Data management and data interoperability for web data
* Distributed agent-based systems for the web
### Rules for AI and AI for Rules
* Rule-based approaches to natural language processing
* Applications of rule technologies with explainable AI (xAI) elements
* Machine learning approaches involving rules
* Explainable AI approaches based on rules,
* Rule-based approaches for intelligent systems and intelligent
information access
### Rules and Reasoning / Logics
* Non-classical logics and the web
* Description Logics, existential rules
* Higher-order and modal rules
* Constraint programming
* Logic programming, ASP and datalog
* Rule based argumentation
* Rule-based approaches to agents and multi-agent systems
* Reasoning with incomplete, inconsistent and uncertain data
* Non-monotonic, common-sense, and closed-world reasoning
* Inconsistency-tolerant rule reasoning
### Technical Aspects of Rule Systems / Rule Technology
* Streaming data and complex event processing
* Web reasoning and distributed rule inference and execution
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for the Semantic Web
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for rules
### Rules and Interoperability
* Rule markup languages, rule interchange formats, and rule standards
* Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
* Rules and human language technology
### System descriptions, applications and experiences of ontologies and
rules in:
* climate change monitoring, mitigation & adaptation
* environmental protection
* healthcare and life sciences
* equity and social welfare
* law, regulation, and finance
* Digital Twins
* Industrial contexts
* Production & business rule systems
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main conference track
High-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies,
and artificial intelligence applications concerning explainable
algorithmic decision-making that involve rule-based representation and
reasoning are solicited.
We accept the following submission formats for papers:
* Long papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style including references)
* Short papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS style including references)
Long papers should present original and significant research and/or
development results. Short papers should concisely describe general
results or specific applications, systems, or position statements. All
submissions must be prepared in Springer's LNCS style
Submissions to the RuleML+RR conference
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a
workshop with informal proceedings is allowed. Papers put on arXiv are
also allowed as long as they are not refereed (i.e., formally reviewed
by peers). Papers can be submitted using EasyChair
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) after the conference. A
selection of the accepted papers of RuleML+RR 2021 will be invited for
submission to the Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
(TPLP) published by Cambridge University Press.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16th International Rule Challenge Track
The Rule Challenge solicits high quality papers focussing on practical
problems - or challenges - related to rule-based approaches. We welcome
two different kinds of submissions:
(1) Challenge descriptions: papers describing open challenges,
interesting problems from academia or industry, and benchmarks which are
of interest for the community and can be solved by rule-based
approaches, including task description, datasets, and the evaluation
(2) Challenge solutions: Papers supplying benchmarking or comparison
results for rule engines, rule-based machine learning techniques,
illustrating rule- and model-driven engineering, reporting on case
studies and industrial experiences, and realizing mobile deployment of
rule-based reasoning.
All submissions must be formatted in the LNCS style and should be
between 8-15 pages. The paper submission deadline is July 7th, 2022. The
submission page is .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Doctoral Consortium Track
hosted at RuleML+RR 2022 aims at promoting student research in
Artificial Intelligence, especially research on rule-based formalisms
and reasoning. It offers PhD students close contact with leading experts
in the field, as well as the opportunity to present and discuss their
ideas in a dynamic and friendly setting.
We invite PhD students at an early or intermediate stage of their PhD
studies as well as exceptional Master’s students who are interested in
pursuing a PhD to submit papers describing their research on any of the
topics of interest to RuleML+RR 2022. RuleML+RR DC papers are limited
to 8 pages written in English following the LNCS format and submitted
electronically in PDF format jointly with a maximum 2 pages CV. Details
can be found in the RuleML+RR 2022 DC CfP
( The
paper submission deadline is July 7th, 2022 (titles/abstracts are due on
June 30, 2022). Papers can be submitted via .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Important dates for the RuleML+RR conference
* May 24th: Title and abstract submission
* June 2nd: Paper submission deadline
* August 1st: Notification of acceptance
* September 26th-28th: Conference
For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE applies.
Check out further details materializing at
European Summer School on Data Science for Social Media, 15-17 June
2022, Chambre de Commerce, Kirchberg, Luxembourg
Organised by the European Association for Data Science (
The European Association for Data Science is pleased to announce the
next instalment of its Summer School series.
Social media analysis is an important tool in current and future data
driven research in a variety of fields. Discussing its potential and
limitations, as well as knowledge transfer of methods and ideas, is what
this Summer School is about.
The Summer School is primarily aimed at advanced PhD students,
postdoctoral and early-career researchers with an interest and basic
grounding in data science, machine learning, and/or statistics. It is
also aimed at data science professionals working with social media data.
Topics and presenters:
* Static and dynamic mapping method for uncovering competitive
positions: Bernd Skiera (Goethe U Frankfurt, D)
* The co-evolution of digital behavioral trace and survey data in social
networks: Christoph Stadtfeld (ETH Zürich, CH)
* Social media metrics: definitions and applications: Zohreh Zahedi (U
of Leiden, NL)
* Qualitative and quantitative data analytics in data science, with
correspondence analysis and clustering: Fionn Murtagh (U of
Huddersfield, UK)
* Responsible social-media based collective intelligence: Eirini Ntoutsi
(FU Berlin, D)
The Summer School is preceded by a public event on Tuesday June 14th
during which Prof. Mireille Hildebrandt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
will be delivering the Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt Lecture entitled "The
Whisper Challenge – The Rule of Proxies". The public event will be
followed by a welcome reception.
The Summer School is planned as an in-person event. For EuADS members
the fee for participating in the summer school is 250 EUR. For
non-members the fee is 300 EUR and includes a one-year EuADS membership.
To ensure an interactive experience the number of participants is
limited, so early registration is strongly recommended. For more
information including how to register see: