* SCIMago H-Index = 36
** Google Scholar H5-Index = 19
*** Indexed in Scopus, WoS, EI-Compendex, DBLP, Google Scholar, etc.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------
ICITS'25 - 8th Int. Conference on Information Technology & Systems
Mexico City, Mexico, 22-24 January 2025
https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------
ICITS'25 - 8th International Conference on Information Technology &
Systems, to be held at Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico,
between the 22th and the 24th of January 2025, is an international
forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the
most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in
the several perspectives of Information Technology & Systems.
We are pleased to invite you to submit your original papers to
ICITS'25. They can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. All
submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality,
importance and clarity.
Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes
proposed for the Conference:
A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM);
B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS);
C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM);
D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT);
E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA);
F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS);
G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS);
H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA);
I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS)
K) Health Informatics (HIS);
L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE);
M) Media, Applied Technology and Communication (MATC).
Submitted papers written in English (until 10-page limit) must comply
with the format of the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series
(see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website), must not have been
published before, not be under review for any other conference or
publication and not include any information leading to the authors’
identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should
not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific
Committee. This information should only be included in the
camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF
format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publish form
filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management
Submitted papers written in Spanish or Portuguese (until 15-page
limit) must comply with the format of RISTI - Revista Ibérica de
Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (download instructions/template
for authors in Spanish or Portuguese), must not have been published
before, not be under review for any other conference or publication
and not include any information leading to the authors’
identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should
not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific
Committee. This information should only be included in the
camera-ready version, saved in Word. These files must be uploaded at
the conference management system in a ZIP file.
All papers will be subjected to a “double-blind review” by at least
two members of the Scientific Committee.
Based on Scientific Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or
accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be
accepted as paper or poster.
The authors of papers accepted as posters must build and print a
poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow
an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference can include Work Sessions
where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 7
minute limit per poster.
The authors of accepted papers will have 15 minutes to present their
work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of
discussion will follow each presentation.
Papers accepted as posters are not published; they are only exhibited,
presented and discussed during the conference.
To ensure that a paper accepted as paper is published, at least one of
the authors must be fully registered by the 28th of October 2024, and
the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit.
Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors
before they submit the camera-ready version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra
fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum
of one additional paper per registration. One registration permits
only the participation of one author in the conference.
Papers written in English and accepted and registered will be
published in Proceedings by Springer, in a book of the Lecture Notes
in Networks and Systems series, will be submitted for indexation by
Scopus, WoS, DBLP, Google Scholar, among others, and will be available
in the SpringerLink Digital Library.
Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese and accepted and registered
will be published in a Special Issue of RISTI and will be submitted
for indexation by Scopus, among others.
Paper Submission: September 10, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: October 17, 2024
Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper
in the conference proceedings: October 28, 2024.
Camera-ready Submission: October 28, 2024
Website of ICITS'25: https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
See you in Mexico City.
ICITS'25 Team
https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
* SCIMago H-Index = 36
** Google Scholar H5-Index = 19
*** Indexed in Scopus, WoS, EI-Compendex, DBLP, Google Scholar, etc.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------
ICITS'25 - 8th Int. Conference on Information Technology & Systems
Mexico City, Mexico, 22-24 January 2025
https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------
ICITS'25 - 8th International Conference on Information Technology &
Systems, to be held at Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico,
between the 22th and the 24th of January 2025, is an international
forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the
most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in
the several perspectives of Information Technology & Systems.
We are pleased to invite you to submit your original papers to
ICITS'25. They can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. All
submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality,
importance and clarity.
Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes
proposed for the Conference:
A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM);
B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS);
C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM);
D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT);
E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA);
F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS);
G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS);
H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA);
I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS)
K) Health Informatics (HIS);
L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE);
M) Media, Applied Technology and Communication (MATC).
Submitted papers written in English (until 10-page limit) must comply
with the format of the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series
(see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website), must not have been
published before, not be under review for any other conference or
publication and not include any information leading to the authors’
identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should
not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific
Committee. This information should only be included in the
camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF
format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publish form
filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management
Submitted papers written in Spanish or Portuguese (until 15-page
limit) must comply with the format of RISTI - Revista Ibérica de
Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (download instructions/template
for authors in Spanish or Portuguese), must not have been published
before, not be under review for any other conference or publication
and not include any information leading to the authors’
identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should
not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific
Committee. This information should only be included in the
camera-ready version, saved in Word. These files must be uploaded at
the conference management system in a ZIP file.
All papers will be subjected to a “double-blind review” by at least
two members of the Scientific Committee.
Based on Scientific Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or
accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be
accepted as paper or poster.
The authors of papers accepted as posters must build and print a
poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow
an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference can include Work Sessions
where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 7
minute limit per poster.
The authors of accepted papers will have 15 minutes to present their
work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of
discussion will follow each presentation.
Papers accepted as posters are not published; they are only exhibited,
presented and discussed during the conference.
To ensure that a paper accepted as paper is published, at least one of
the authors must be fully registered by the 28th of October 2024, and
the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit.
Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors
before they submit the camera-ready version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra
fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum
of one additional paper per registration. One registration permits
only the participation of one author in the conference.
Papers written in English and accepted and registered will be
published in Proceedings by Springer, in a book of the Lecture Notes
in Networks and Systems series, will be submitted for indexation by
Scopus, WoS, DBLP, Google Scholar, among others, and will be available
in the SpringerLink Digital Library.
Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese and accepted and registered
will be published in a Special Issue of RISTI and will be submitted
for indexation by Scopus, among others.
Paper Submission: September 10, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: October 17, 2024
Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper
in the conference proceedings: October 28, 2024.
Camera-ready Submission: October 28, 2024
Website of ICITS'25: https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
See you in Mexico City.
ICITS'25 Team
https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
Alvaro Rocha
World's Top 0.05% Scientist, according to ScholarGPS
World's Top 1% Scientist, according to Stanford University and Elsevier
World's Top 1% Scientist, according to ResearchGate
ISEM's Book Series Scientific Manager at Springer Nature:
https://www.springer.com/serie s/17396
Chair of ITMA - Information and Technology Management Association:
http://itmas.org <http://itmas.org/>
Founder and Vice-Chair of IEEE SMC Portugal Chapter
Professor of Information Systems, ISEG, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Invited Professor at University of Calabria, Italy
Honorary Professor at Amity University, India
E-mail: amrrocha(a)gmail.com
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
am Institut für Informationswissenschaft an der TH Köln ist eine unbefristete W2-Professur für Natural Language Processing ausgeschrieben.
Deutsch: https://karriere.th-koeln.de/job/view/1201/professur-fuer-natural-language-…
Englisch: https://karriere.th-koeln.de/job/view/1198/professorship-for-natural-langua…
Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie diese Ausschreibung in Ihren Instituten/Netzwerken weiterverteilen und natürlich auf zahlreiche einschlägige Bewerbungen aus dieser Runde.
Alles Gute
Philipp Schaer
Prof. Dr. Philipp Schaer
Institute of Information Science
Technische Hochschule Köln (University of Applied Sciences)
Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54, 50968 Köln, Germany
Visit me at Campus Südstadt, Claudiusstr. 1, Room B5.420
Tel: + 49 221 / 8275-3845
Call For Participation KI 2024
47th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Sep 25 – Sep 27, 2024, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Please register to participate!
KI is one of the major European AI conference series and traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing an ideal place for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications. KI 2024 takes place at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg. This year, we are excited to announce that the conference is jointly organized with the LWDA 2024 conference [1]. The organization is carried out by members of CAIDAS und the Institute for Computer Science. Here [4] you can find more details about the venue and Würzburg.
The technical program of KI 2024 comprises presentations of selected AI papers and discussions, a panel, a doctoral symposium, as well as tutorials and workshops, plus keynotes by the following renowned AI experts:
• Elisabeth André (University of Augsburg): Amplifying Human-Human and Human-Agent Interaction with AI
• Christian Baukhage (University of Bonn): Quantum AI / ML – Hype or Hope?
See also [2] for abstracts of the invited talks, and [3] for the overall program. KI 2024 will also host the FBKI general assembly (Mitgliederversammlung).
For detailed program information and how to register and attend see:
Participation requires registration. Early bird prices are available until August 20, 2024, 23:59 (Berlin time).
KI 2024 is the 47rd edition of the German conference on Artificial Intelligence organized in cooperation with the AI chapter of the GI (GI-FBKI).
We hope to see you at KI 2024!
Andreas Hotho and Sebastian Rudolph
(KI2024 Co-Chairs)
[1] https://www.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/lwda24/
[2] https://www.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/ki24/program/invited-speakers/
[3] https://www.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/ki24/program/ki-schedule/
[4] https://www.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/ki24/
Please note the extended deadline for ASPOCP 2024
[Apologies for cross-posting]
** Abstract submission deadline:*08 August 2024* **
** Paper submission deadline:*15 August 2024* **
** Notification:*10 September 2024* **
17th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing
October 12 or October 13
Affiliated with ICLP 2024, 40th International Conference on Logic
https://www.iclp24.utdallas.edu/ <https://www.iclp24.utdallas.edu/>
October 11 - 17, 2024
Since its introduction in the late 1980s, Answer Set Programming (ASP)
has been widely applied to various knowledge-intensive tasks and
combinatorial search problems.ASPwas found to be closely related to SAT,
which led to a new method of computing answer sets using SAT solvers and
techniques adapted from SAT. This has been a much studied relationship,
and is currently extended towards satisfiability modulo theories (SMT).
The relationship ofASPto other computing paradigms, such as constraint
satisfaction, quantified Boolean formulas (QBF), Constraint Logic
Programming (CLP), first-order logic (FOL), and FO(ID) is also the
subject of active research. Consequently, new methods of computing
answer sets are being developed based on relationships to these formalisms.
Furthermore, the practical applications ofASPalso foster work on
multi-paradigm problem-solving, and in particular language and solver
integration. The most prominent examples in this area currently are the
integration ofASPwith description logics (in the realm of the Semantic
Web) and constraint satisfaction (which recently led to the Constraint
Answer Set Programming (CASP) research direction).
A large body of general results regardingASPis available and several
efficientASPsolvers have been implemented. However, there are still
significant challenges in applyingASPto real life applications, and more
interest in relatingASPto other computing paradigms is emerging. This
workshop will provide opportunities for researchers to identify these
challenges and to exchange ideas for overcoming them.
Topics of interests include (but are not limited to):
-ASPand classical logic formalisms (SAT/FOL/QBF/SMT/DL).
-ASPand constraint programming.
-ASPand other logic programming paradigms, e.g., FO(ID).
-ASPand other nonmonotonic languages, e.g., action languages.
-ASPand external means of computation.
-ASPand probabilistic reasoning.
-ASPand knowledge compilation.
-ASPand machine learning.
- New methods of computing answer sets using algorithms or systems of
other paradigms.
- Language extensions toASP.
-ASPand multi-agent systems.
-ASPand multi-context systems.
- Modularity andASP.
-ASPand argumentation.
- Multi-paradigm problem solving involvingASP.
- Evaluation and comparison ofASPto other paradigms.
-ASPand related paradigms in applications.
- HybridizingASPwith procedural approaches.
- Enhanced grounding or beyond grounding.
The workshop invites two types of submissions:
- original papers describing original research.
- non-original paper already published on formal proceedings or journals.
Original papers must not exceed 13 pages (excluding references) and
must be formatted using the 1-column CEURART style availablehere
A ready-to-clone overleaf project containing a 1-column CEURART style
is availablehere <https://www.overleaf.com/read/cqxqwrgjccwk#deb4a7>.
Authors are requested to clearly specify whether their submission is
original or not with a footnote on the first page.
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in PDF via the
EasyChair system at the
Abstract submission deadline: 08 August 2024
Paper submission deadline: 15 August 2024
Notification: 10
September 2024
Authors of all accepted original contributions can opt to publish
their work in formal proceedings.
Accepted non-original contributions will be given visibility on the
conference web site including a link to the original publication, if
already published.
A selection of extended and revised versions of accepted papers could
appear in a special issue.
Extended versions of accepted non-original contributions, if not
published in a journal yet, might be included in the issue.
Francesco Pacenza, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Calabria, Italy
Zeynep G. Saribatur, Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien, Austria
Mario Alviano, University of Calabria Marcello Balduccini, Saint
Joseph's University Pedro Cabalar, University of Corunna Francesco
Cauteruccio, University of Salerno Stefania Costantini, University of
L'Aquila Carmine Dodaro, University of Calabria Stefan Ellmauthaler, TU
Dresden Esra Erdem, Sabanci University Wolfgang Faber, University of
Klagenfurt Cristina Feier Johannes K. Fichte, Linköping University
Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt Tobias Geibinger, TU Wien Markus
Hecher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Giovambattista Ianni,
University of Calabria Daniela Inclezan, Miami University Tomi Janhunen,
Tampere University Vladimir Lifschitz, The University of Texas at Austin
Marco Maratea, University of Calabria Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State
University Alice Tarzariol, University of Klagenfurt Johannes P.
Wallner, TU Graz Stefan Woltran, TU Wien Jia-Huai You, University of
Alberta Jessica Zangari, University of Calabria
[Apologies for cross-posting]
17th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing
October 12 or October 13
Affiliated with ICLP 2024, 40th International Conference on Logic
https://www.iclp24.utdallas.edu/ <https://www.iclp24.utdallas.edu/>
October 11 - 17, 2024
Since its introduction in the late 1980s, Answer Set Programming (ASP)
has been widely applied to various knowledge-intensive tasks and
combinatorial search problems.ASPwas found to be closely related to SAT,
which led to a new method of computing answer sets using SAT solvers and
techniques adapted from SAT. This has been a much studied relationship,
and is currently extended towards satisfiability modulo theories (SMT).
The relationship ofASPto other computing paradigms, such as constraint
satisfaction, quantified Boolean formulas (QBF), Constraint Logic
Programming (CLP), first-order logic (FOL), and FO(ID) is also the
subject of active research. Consequently, new methods of computing
answer sets are being developed based on relationships to these formalisms.
Furthermore, the practical applications ofASPalso foster work on
multi-paradigm problem-solving, and in particular language and solver
integration. The most prominent examples in this area currently are the
integration ofASPwith description logics (in the realm of the Semantic
Web) and constraint satisfaction (which recently led to the Constraint
Answer Set Programming (CASP) research direction).
A large body of general results regardingASPis available and several
efficientASPsolvers have been implemented. However, there are still
significant challenges in applyingASPto real life applications, and more
interest in relatingASPto other computing paradigms is emerging. This
workshop will provide opportunities for researchers to identify these
challenges and to exchange ideas for overcoming them.
Topics of interests include (but are not limited to):
-ASPand classical logic formalisms (SAT/FOL/QBF/SMT/DL).
-ASPand constraint programming.
-ASPand other logic programming paradigms, e.g., FO(ID).
-ASPand other nonmonotonic languages, e.g., action languages.
-ASPand external means of computation.
-ASPand probabilistic reasoning.
-ASPand knowledge compilation.
-ASPand machine learning.
- New methods of computing answer sets using algorithms or systems of
other paradigms.
- Language extensions toASP.
-ASPand multi-agent systems.
-ASPand multi-context systems.
- Modularity andASP.
-ASPand argumentation.
- Multi-paradigm problem solving involvingASP.
- Evaluation and comparison ofASPto other paradigms.
-ASPand related paradigms in applications.
- HybridizingASPwith procedural approaches.
- Enhanced grounding or beyond grounding.
The workshop invites two types of submissions:
- original papers describing original research.
- non-original paper already published on formal proceedings or journals.
Original papers must not exceed 13 pages (excluding references) and
must be formatted using the 1-column CEURART style availablehere
A ready-to-clone overleaf project containing a 1-column CEURART style
is availablehere <https://www.overleaf.com/read/cqxqwrgjccwk#deb4a7>.
Authors are requested to clearly specify whether their submission is
original or not with a footnote on the first page.
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in PDF via the
EasyChair system at the
Abstract submission deadline: 01 August 2024
Paper submission deadline: 08 August 2024
Notification: 05
September 2024
Authors of all accepted original contributions can opt to publish
their work in formal proceedings.
Accepted non-original contributions will be given visibility on the
conference web site including a link to the original publication, if
already published.
A selection of extended and revised versions of accepted papers could
appear in a special issue.
Extended versions of accepted non-original contributions, if not
published in a journal yet, might be included in the issue.
Francesco Pacenza, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Calabria, Italy
Zeynep G. Saribatur, Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien, Austria
Mario Alviano, University of Calabria Marcello Balduccini, Saint
Joseph's University Pedro Cabalar, University of Corunna Francesco
Cauteruccio, University of Salerno Stefania Costantini, University of
L'Aquila Carmine Dodaro, University of Calabria Stefan Ellmauthaler, TU
Dresden Esra Erdem, Sabanci University Wolfgang Faber, University of
Klagenfurt Cristina Feier Johannes K. Fichte, Linköping University
Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt Tobias Geibinger, TU Wien Markus
Hecher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Giovambattista Ianni,
University of Calabria Daniela Inclezan, Miami University Tomi Janhunen,
Tampere University Vladimir Lifschitz, The University of Texas at Austin
Marco Maratea, University of Calabria Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State
University Alice Tarzariol, University of Klagenfurt Johannes P.
Wallner, TU Graz Stefan Woltran, TU Wien Jia-Huai You, University of
Alberta Jessica Zangari, University of Calabria
* SCIMago H-Index = 36
** Google Scholar H5-Index = 19
*** Indexed in Scopus, WoS, EI-Compendex, DBLP, Google Scholar, etc.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------
ICITS'25 - 8th Int. Conference on Information Technology & Systems
Mexico City, Mexico, 22-24 January 2025
https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------
ICITS'25 - 8th International Conference on Information Technology &
Systems, to be held at Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico,
between the 22th and the 24th of January 2025, is an international
forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the
most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in
the several perspectives of Information Technology & Systems.
We are pleased to invite you to submit your original papers to
ICITS'25. They can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. All
submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality,
importance and clarity.
Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes
proposed for the Conference:
A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM);
B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS);
C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM);
D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT);
E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA);
F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS);
G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS);
H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA);
I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS)
K) Health Informatics (HIS);
L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE);
M) Media, Applied Technology and Communication (MATC).
Submitted papers written in English (until 10-page limit) must comply
with the format of the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series
(see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website), must not have been
published before, not be under review for any other conference or
publication and not include any information leading to the authors’
identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should
not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific
Committee. This information should only be included in the
camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF
format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publish form
filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management
Submitted papers written in Spanish or Portuguese (until 15-page
limit) must comply with the format of RISTI - Revista Ibérica de
Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (download instructions/template
for authors in Spanish or Portuguese), must not have been published
before, not be under review for any other conference or publication
and not include any information leading to the authors’
identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should
not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific
Committee. This information should only be included in the
camera-ready version, saved in Word. These files must be uploaded at
the conference management system in a ZIP file.
All papers will be subjected to a “double-blind review” by at least
two members of the Scientific Committee.
Based on Scientific Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or
accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be
accepted as paper or poster.
The authors of papers accepted as posters must build and print a
poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow
an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference can include Work Sessions
where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 7
minute limit per poster.
The authors of accepted papers will have 15 minutes to present their
work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of
discussion will follow each presentation.
Papers accepted as posters are not published; they are only exhibited,
presented and discussed during the conference.
To ensure that a paper accepted as paper is published, at least one of
the authors must be fully registered by the 28th of October 2024, and
the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit.
Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors
before they submit the camera-ready version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra
fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum
of one additional paper per registration. One registration permits
only the participation of one author in the conference.
Papers written in English and accepted and registered will be
published in Proceedings by Springer, in a book of the Lecture Notes
in Networks and Systems series, will be submitted for indexation by
Scopus, WoS, DBLP, Google Scholar, among others, and will be available
in the SpringerLink Digital Library.
Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese and accepted and registered
will be published in a Special Issue of RISTI and will be submitted
for indexation by Scopus, among others.
Paper Submission: September 10, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: October 17, 2024
Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper
in the conference proceedings: October 28, 2024.
Camera-ready Submission: October 28, 2024
Website of ICITS'25: https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
See you in Mexico City.
ICITS'25 Team
https://icits.me/ <https://icits.me/>
Alvaro Rocha
World's Top 0.05% Scientist, according to ScholarGPS
World's Top 1% Scientist, according to Stanford University and Elsevier
World's Top 1% Scientist, according to ResearchGate
ISEM's Book Series Scientific Manager at Springer Nature:
https://www.springer.com/serie s/17396
Chair of ITMA - Information and Technology Management Association:
http://itmas.org <http://itmas.org/>
Founder and Vice-Chair of IEEE SMC Portugal Chapter
Professor of Information Systems, ISEG, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Invited Professor at University of Calabria, Italy
Honorary Professor at Amity University, India
E-mail: amrrocha(a)gmail.com
Hi everyone,
I would like to draw your attention to two AutoML events that will be happening later this year.
📢 3rd AutoML Conference
📅 9th-12th September in Paris (Jussieu, Sorbonne University), France
🔗 https://2024.automl.cc/
*Key topics* Any topic related to automating any aspect of machine learning, including work on automating the application, development, and efficient usage of generative AI. This also subsumes Bayesian Optimization, NAS, LLMs, RL, applications, AutoML systems and many more.
*Keynote and invited speakers* Andreas Krause, Stephen Roberts, Leman Akoglu, Irina Rish, Rich Caruana, Mitra Baratchi & Aaron Klein (main conference) and Chris Van Pelt, Shubham Agarwal, Hideaki Imamura, Johannes Hoffart, Rahma Chaabouni, Martin Rapp, Nilesh Jain, Victor Picheny & Hrvoje Stojic (industry day).
*Tutorials* AutoRL, meta-features, zero-cost proxies for NAS, AutoGluon and FLAML.
📢 4th AutoML School
📅 2nd-6th September in Hannover (Leibniz University), Germany
🔗 https://www.automlschool.org/
This school includes basic lectures, keynote lectures, hands-on sessions, and networking with AutoML experts to bridge the gap between research and practical applications.
*Topics* AutoML Systems, Green AutoML, Hyperparameter Tuning, AutoML and Foundation models, Neural Architecture Search, AutoRL and Energy-efficient ML.
*Speakers* Kristian Kersting, Josif Grabocka, Oliver Bringmann, Oleksandr Shchur, Setareh Ariafar, Markus Wagner, Jan van Rijn, Bernd Bischl, Frank Hutter, Katharina Strecker, Theresa Eimer and many more.
Best regards,
Katharina Eggensperger