Workshop on xAI in Game Playing
held at FDG 2025 (https://fdg2025.org/)
April 15 in Vienna, Austria
This workshop will focus on advancing explainable AI (xAI) in the domain
of computer game playing, a field where AI has achieved remarkable
successes but often lacks transparency. Among others, topics of interest
include the application of existing xAI methods, development of new xAI
models, and the extraction of interpretable game strategies.
The workshop will serve as an open forum for short paper presentations,
demonstrations, and panel discussions, improving collaboration and
innovation at the intersection of xAI and game research.
Submission Deadline: February 7, 2025
More details can be found on the Web-site
------------------------------------- DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM -------------------------------------
CISTI'2025 - 20th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal
16 - 19 June 2025
https://www.cisti.eu/ <https://www.cisti.eu/>
The purpose of CISTI'2025’s Doctoral Symposium is to provide graduate students a setting where they can, informally, expose and discuss their work, collecting valuable expert opinions and sharing new ideas, methods and applications. The Doctoral Symposium is an excellent opportunity for PhD students to present and discuss their work in a Workshop format. Each presentation will be evaluated by a panel composed by at least three Information Systems and Technologies experts.
The Doctoral Symposium is opened to PhD students whose research area includes the themes proposed for this Conference. Submissions must include an extended abstract (maximum 4 pages), following the Conference style guide. All selected contributions will be published with the Conference Proceedings in electronic format with ISBN. These contributions will be available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be sent for indexing in ISI, Scopus, EI-Compendex, INSPEC and Google Scholar.
Submissions must include the field, the PhD institution and the number of months devoted to the development of the work. Additionally, they should include in a clear and succinct manner:
• The problem approached and its significance or relevance
• The research objectives and related investigation topics
• A brief display of what is already known
• A proposed solution methodology for the problem
• Expected results
Paper submission: February 17, 2025
Notification of acceptance: April 4, 2025
Submission of accepted papers: April 14, 2025
Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: April 14, 2025
Álvaro Rocha, ISEG, University of Lisbon, PT
Francisco García-Peñalvo, University of Salamanca, ES
Francisco García-Peñalvo, Universidad de Salamanca, ES (Chair)
A. Augusto Sousa, FEUP/INESCTEC, PT
Adérito Fernandes-Marcos, University of Saint Joseph in Macau, MO
Adolfo Lozano Tello, Universidad de Extremadura, ES
Alicia García-Holgado , Universidad de Salamanca, ES
Alma Gómez-Rodríguez, Universidade de Vigo, ES
Álvaro Rocha, ISEG, University of Lisbon, PT
António Palma dos Reis, ISEG, University of Lisbon, PT
Arturo J. Méndez, Universidade de Vigo, ES
Borja Bordel, Technical University of Madrid, ES
Carlos J. Costa, ISEG, University of Lisbon, PT
Carlos Ferrás Sexto, University of Santiago de Compostela, ES
Cesar Collazos, Universidad del Cauca, CO
David Fonseca, La Salle, Ramon Llull University, ES
Fernando Moreira, Portucalense University, PT
Gonçalo Paiva Dias, University of Aveiro, PT
Isabel Pedrosa, ISCAC, Polytechnic University of Coimbra, PT
João Paulo Costa, University of Coimbra, PT
Luis Camarinha-Matos, NOVA University Lisbon, PT
Manuela Aparicio, NOVA IMS, PT
María J Lado, University of Vigo, ES
Maria José Sousa, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, PT
Mário Piattini, University of Castilla-La Mancha, ES
Maristela Holanda, Universidade de Brasília, BR
Martin Llamas Nistal, Universidade de Vigo, ES
Martín López Nores, University of Vigo, ES
Mercedes Ruiz, University of Cadiz, ES
Miguel A. Brito, University of Minho, PT
Miguel Casquilho, University of Lisbon, PT
Miguel de Castro Neto, NOVA IMS, PT
Miguel Ramón González Castro, Centro Tecnológico Aimen, ES
Óscar Mealha, University of Aveiro, PT
Paula Prata, Universidade da Beira Interior, PT
Paulo Urbano, FC, University of Lisbon, PT
Pedro Araújo, Universidade da Beira Interior, PT
Pedro Sousa, University of Minho, PT
Ramiro Gonçalves, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, PT
Rui Pedro Lourenco, University of Coimbra, PT
Rui Quaresma, Universidade de Évora, PT
Rui Santos Cruz, IST, University of Lisbon, PT
Sergio Moro, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, PT
We are counting on you. Submit your contribution.
Webpage: https://www.cisti.eu/ <https://www.cisti.eu/>
CISTI'2025 Team
https://www.cisti.eu/ <https://www.cisti.eu/>
We wish you a happy new year and hope this call finds you well!
RuleML+RR 2025
Rule Challenge, Doctoral Consortium, Industry Track and Networking
*** RuleML+RR 2025 ***
*** 22-24 September 2025 ***
*** İstanbul, Türkİye ***
Call for contributions for events associated with RuleML+RR 2025:
Rule Challenge:
Doctoral Consortium:
Industry Track:
Networking Session:
RuleML+RR 2025 (https://2025.declarativeai.net/events/ruleml-rr) is part
of Declarative AI 2025 (https://2025.declarativeai.net/)
*** RuleML+RR 2025 ***
The International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR) is
the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based
reasoning. As in the last years, RuleML+RR 2025 features the following
associated events in addition to the main track:
Rule Challenge, Doctoral Consortium, Industry Track, Project
Networking Session
Further below, you find more information on the respective events.
All associated events share the same paper submission deadline:
July 10th, 2025 (AoE)
Submissions for each of these events are made via Easychair:
Please select the respective track when you make a submission.
*** Rule Challenge ***
Alessandro Margara, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Tomáš Kliegr, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czechia
Ognjen Savkovic, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
The 19th International Rule Challenge is a standout feature of the
RuleML+RR conference, fostering friendly competition among innovative
rule-oriented tools, prototypes, and applications tailored to research,
industry, and government.
Participants are invited to showcase their solutions to self-defined
challenges, but also propose open challenges for the community to tackle.
Accordingly, submissions are welcome in two main categories:
* [Challenge Proposals] Papers outlining open challenges, interesting
problems from academia or industry, or benchmarks relevant to the
community. Submissions should include task descriptions, datasets, and
evaluation criteria, highlighting opportunities for rule-based
approaches to provide solutions.
* [Challenge Solutions] Papers presenting benchmarking or comparative
analyses of rule engines, rule-based machine learning techniques, or
case studies. Submissions may also cover industrial experiences, rule-
and model-driven engineering, or innovative applications such as
deployment of rule-based reasoning in geographically distributed,
edge-to-cloud scenarios.
Key themes of the Rule Challenge include, but are not limited to the
* Rule-based machine learning tools and techniques
* Large language models (LLMs) and rule learning
* Rule-based approaches in artificial intelligence
* Rule-based Complex Event Processing / Recognition (CEP/CER)
* Stream reasoning
* Business rules modelling
* Rule standardization for research, industry and government
* Graph-relational data and knowledge systems
* Higher-order logic and modal logic systems
* Rule and ontology combinations
* Distributed rule systems Multi-agent systems
* Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) systems
* Answer Set Programming (ASP) systems
* Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) systems
* (Controlled) Natural language interfaces
* Rules and model-driven engineering
The challenge seeks high quality, original papers, potentially
referencing online material, and ranging between 8-15 pages. Accepted
papers will be published as part of CEUR proceedings and should be in
the CEUR-WS.org style template CEURART (1-column variant).
Please submit your paper via:
to the Rule Challenge track.
Important Dates:
* July 10th, 2025: Paper submission deadline
* August 31st, 2025: Notification of acceptance
Further information can be found on the Rule Challenge website:
*** Doctoral Consortium ***
Shqiponja Ahmetaj, TU Wien, Austria
Riccardo Tommasini, INSA Lyon, France
The RuleML+RR 9th Doctoral Consortium 2025 (DC) is an initiative of the
RuleML+RR community to attract and promote student research in
Artificial Intelligence, especially research on rule-based formalisms
and reasoning in such formalisms. It offers students a close contact
with leading experts in the field, as well as the opportunity to present
and discuss their ideas in a dynamic and friendly setting.
We invite PhD students at an early or intermediate stage of their PhD
studies, as well as exceptional master’s students who are interested in
pursuing a PhD, to submit papers describing their research on any of the
topics of RuleML+RR 2025.
RuleML+RR DC papers range between 8 and 15 pages, are written in
English, will be published as part of CEUR proceedings, and should
follow the CEUR-WS.org style template CEURART (1-column variant). They
are submitted electronically in PDF together with a maximum 2 page-long
CV (the paper and the CV should be submitted together as one PDF file,
but the CV is not counted within the 15 pages limit and is not published
in the proceedings if the paper is accepted).
The submission should cover the following aspects:
* The identification of a significant problem in a research field
relevant to RuleML+RR 2025.
* An outline of the current knowledge in the problem’s domain, as well
as an overview of existing solutions.
* A clear formulation of the research question and motivation.
* A presentation of (possibly preliminary) ideas, the proposed
approach, and the results achieved so far.
* A sketch of the applied research methodology and its positioning in
the field.
* A description of the student’s contribution to the research.
* A discussion of how the suggested solution is different, new, or
better as compared to the state of the art.
* A research plan and the potential achievements.
Please submit your paper via:
to the Doctoral Consortium track.
Important Dates:
* July 10th, 2025: Paper submission deadline
* July 31st, 2025: Notification deadline
Further information can be found on the Doctoral Consortium website:
*** Industry Track ***
Luigi Bellomarini, Banca d’Italia, Italy
Evgeny Kharlamov, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Ioana Georgiana Ciuciu, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania
The RuleML+RR industry track welcomes papers describing original
industrial advances and application achievements in all areas of Rules
and Reasoning-based technologies. We are interested in experiences from
practitioners when applying rules to industries such as engineering,
manufacturing, finance, agriculture, energy, media, telecommunications,
healthcare, life sciences, government, smart cities, tourism, cultural
heritage, retail, logistics, transportation, education, entertainment,
legal services, real estate, environmental management, cybersecurity,
autonomous systems, aerospace, defense, and other emerging fields.
Submissions are invited on all facets of Rules and Reasoning, including
efforts to bridge recent research innovations with practical
applications and industrial challenges, with a strong focus on the
interplay between reasoning techniques and machine learning.
We encourage submissions on the following topics:
* Integration of Rules, Reasoning, and AI Technologies
* Rules and Reasoning for Knowledge Graphs and Ontologies
* Advanced Uses of Rules and Reasoning in Scalable Applications
* Rules and Reasoning in Regulatory Technology (RegTech)
* Responsible Use of AI and Rules Technologies
We welcome extended abstracts of minimum 5 and maximum 6 pages
(including the references) to be submitted to the Industry Track.
Accepted papers will be published as part of CEUR proceedings and should
be written in English following in the CEUR-WS.org style template
CEURART (1-column variant). Reviews will be done by the committee of
members from both industry and academia. Submitted papers must be
original contributions written in English.
Please submit your paper via:
to the Industry Track.
Important Dates:
* July 10th, 2025: Paper submission deadline
* July 31st, 2025: Notification deadline
Further information can be found on the Industry Track website:
*** Networking Session ***
Dumitru Roman, SINTEF AS, Norway
George Konstantinidis, University of Southampton, UK
Emanuel Sallinger, TU Wien, Austria
The project networking session of RuleML+RR 2025 aims to bring together
relevant projects working in the area of data and AI with particular
focus on, but not limited to, the event topics: rules, reasoning,
decisions, and explanations.
The session will provide an opportunity to:
* Share knowledge between research and innovation projects operating
in the area of data and AI.
* Identify potential synergies between the projects, e.g., transfer
data and AI technology between projects, joint publications, joint
dissemination activities, etc.
* Discuss funding opportunities such as Horizon Europe, Digital
Europe, ERC, etc.
The session targets research and innovation projects operating at all
* Ending (or recently ended) projects, which have results to transfer
and/or dissemination of results;
* Ongoing projects, seeking collaboration and networking opportunities
with external stakeholders and external projects;
* Upcoming projects/initiative, searching for potential new ideas and
partners for consortia.
Interested projects should submit abstracts of minimum 5 and maximum 6
pages (including the references), describing the project’s objective,
possible information to be shared with other projects and potential
interests in other projects.
The papers will be included in the companion proceedings of the event
published by CEUR and should be formatted in the CEUR-WS.org style
template CEURART (1-column variant). Submitted papers must be original
contributions written in English.
Please submit your paper via:
to the Networking Session track.
Important Dates:
* July 10th, 2025: Paper submission deadline
* July 31st, 2025: Notification deadline
Further information can be found on the Project Networking Session website:
RuleML+RR 2025 (https://2025.declarativeai.net/events/ruleml-rr) and its
associated events are part of Declarative AI 2025
(https://2025.declarativeai.net/). The following lists further chairs
involved in making these events possible.
General Chairs of Declarative AI 2025
Hasan Dağ, Kadir Has University, Türkiye
Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Paderborn University, Germany
Ahmet Soylu, Kristiania University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Local Chair
Mehmet Nafiz Aydin, Kadir Has University, Türkiye
RuleML+RR Program Chairs
Aidan Hogan, University of Chile, Chile
Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Proceedings Chairs
Dumitru Roman, SINTEF AS, Norway
Ahmet Soylu, Kristiania University College, Norway
Publicity Chairs
Kai Sauerwald, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
Tor-Morten Grønli, Kristiania University College, Norway
Romuald Esdras Wandji, Umeå University, Sweeden
Updates from WSDM 2025
- Explore Tutorials (https://lnkd.in/eVssd4_V)
- Consider submitting to workshops (https://lnkd.in/ea-k8Ytb)
- Industry day talks (https://lnkd.in/eamey3st)
- WSDM Day talks (https://lnkd.in/eP_z94_q)
We are happy to announce the keynote speakers –
- Slav Petrov, Vice President, Research at Google DeepMind
- Roberto Navigli, Professor, Sapienza University, Rome
- Mario Fritz, Faculty CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security; Professor Saarland University
You can still avail the early-bird registration rates until 10.01.2025
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI)
*** Special Issue on Uncertainty and Reasoning in AI ***
on occasion of the Uncertain Reasoning Track at FLAIRS 2023 and 2024.
April 13, 2025: paper submission
Uncertainty is a central phenomenon that touches all subfields of
artificial intelligence. As many have observed, dealing with uncertainty
remains one of the central challenges and limits the capabilities of AI
approaches. For instance, many problems in AI (in reasoning, planning,
learning, perception, and robotics) require the agent to operate with
incomplete or uncertain information.
This special issue of the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial
Intelligence (AMAI) focuses on all aspects of uncertainty that concern
reasoning and is devoted to the Uncertain Reasoning Special Track in
2023 and in 2024, which was located at the respective International
Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS).
The Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR) is the oldest track in
FLAIRS conferences, running annually since 1996. The objective of this
track is to provide a platform to present and discuss a broad and
diverse range of current work on uncertain reasoning, including
theoretical and applied research based on different paradigms. This
special issue follows this tradition and the aims of the UR track.
### Topics ###
This call is open to articles on all aspects of uncertain reasoning.
Articles of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
* Uncertain reasoning formalisms, calculi and methodologies
* Reasoning with probability, possibility, fuzzy logic, belief function,
vagueness, granularity, rough sets, and probability logics
* Modeling and reasoning using imprecise and indeterminate information,
such as: Choquet capacities, comparative orderings, convex sets of
measures, and interval-valued probabilities
* Exact, approximate and qualitative uncertain reasoning
* Probabilistic graphical models of uncertainty such as: Bayesian
networks, Markov random field, probabilistic circuits
* Multi-agent uncertain reasoning and decision-making
* Decision-theoretic planning and Markov decision process
* Temporal reasoning and uncertainty
* Non-monotonic reasoning
* Conditional Logics
* Argumentation theory
* Belief change and merging
* Similarity-based reasoning
* Ontologies and description logics
* Construction of models from elicitation, data mining and knowledge
* Uncertain reasoning in information retrieval, filtering, fusion,
diagnosis, prediction, situation assessment
* Uncertain reasoning in data management
* Practical applications of uncertain reasoning
* Learning probabilistic models
* Applications in computer vision and animation
### Submission ###
Submissions should be prepared following the guidelines of AMAI provided
on this webpage:
The submissions themselves are made via the submission page provided here:
When submitting, please select "S806: Uncertainty and Reasoning in AI"
in the submission system to ensure that the submission is connected with
the special issue.
### Schedule ###
* April 13, 2025: paper submission
* June 22, 2025: author notification
* August 17, 2025: revisions and camera-ready paper submission
### Guest Editors ###
* Tanya Braun <tanya.braun(a)uni-muenster.de>
* Kai Sauerwald <kai.sauerwald(a)fernuni-hagen.de>
* Choh Man Teng <cmteng(a)ihmc.org>
For any questions, please contact one of the guest editors.
The 9th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR
== Call for Papers ==
*** RuleML+RR 2025 ***
*** 22-24 September 2025 ***
*** İstanbul, Türkİye ***
Abstract: June 2nd, 2025
Paper: June 9th, 2025
Homepage: https://2025.declarativeai.net/events/ruleml-rr
RuleML+RR 2025 is part of Declarative AI 2025
RuleML+RR 2025 is a leading international joint conference in the field
of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build
bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.
RuleML+RR 2025 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
interested in the foundations and applications of rules and reasoning.
It provides a forum for stimulating cooperation between different
communities focused on the research, development, and applications of
rule-based systems. We solicit high-quality papers related to
theoretical advances, novel technologies, and applications that involve
rule-based representation and reasoning or other declarative forms of
artificial intelligence.
The RuleML+RR 2025 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI:
Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations”
(https://2025.declarativeai.net/) and is co-located with DecisionCAMP
2025 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. Apart from the main track, it
* Rule Challenge
* Doctoral Consortium
* Industry Track
* Project Networking Session
*** Topics ***
RuleML+RR welcomes research from all areas of Rules and Reasoning. The
topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
* Ontology/Semantic Web
* Rules for AI and AI for Rules
* Rules and Reasoning / Logics
* Rules-Based Systems
* Rules and Interoperability
* Constraints and Schema
* System Descriptions, Applications and Experiences of Ontologies and Rules
See the conference homepage for more details on the topics:
*** Important Dates ***
Main track:
Abstract submission: June 2, 2025
Paper submission: June 9, 2025
Notification: July 28, 2025
Conference: September 22–24, 2025
Associated events (Rule Challenge, Doctoral Consortium, Industry Track,
and ProjectNetworking Session)
- July 10, 2025: Paper submission deadline
- July 31, 2025: Notification of acceptance
For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE applies.
**Submission and Publication**
High-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies,
and artificial intelligence applications concerning explainable
algorithmic decision-making that involve rule-based representation and
reasoning are solicited.
We accept the following submission formats for papers:
- Long papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style excluding references, plus 2
additional pages for references)
- Short papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS style excluding references, plus 1
additional page for references)
Long papers should present original and significant research and/or
development results. Short papers should concisely describe general
results or specific applications, systems, or position statements. All
submissions must be prepared in Springer's LNCS style
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a
workshop with informal proceedings is allowed. Papers put on arXiv are
also allowed as long as they are not refereed (i.e., formally reviewed
by peers).
Submissions to the RuleML+RR conference
- abide by the page limits (see above)
- are not anonymous
- can have additional material included as an external report
(appendices to the submission are not permitted and a paper should be
Papers should be written in English and submitted using EasyChair:
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notesin Computer Science series (LNCS) after the conference. Proceedings
of the associated events will be published by CEUR. Special Issues of
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming and Transactions on Graph Data
and Knowledge are planned with extended versions of selected papers.
The main track's best paper will be awarded the RuleML+RR Harold Boley
Distinguished Paper Award 2025 and best student paper will be awarded
the RuleML+RR Best Student Paper Award 2025.
The best RuleML Challenge paper will be awarded the RuleML+RR Best Rule
Challenge Paper Award 2025. The best Doctoral Consortium paper will be
awarded the RuleML+RR Best Doctoral Consortium Paper Award 2025.
Program Chairs
Aidan Hogan, University of Chile, Chile
Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Proceedings Chairs
Dumitru Roman, SINTEF AS, Norway
Ahmet Soylu, Kristiania University College, Norway
Rule Challenge Chairs
Alessandro Margara, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Tomáš Kliegr, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czechia
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Shqiponja Ahmetaj, TU Wien, Austria
Riccardo Tommasini, INSA Lyon, France
Industry Track Chairs
Luigi Bellomarini, Banca d’Italia, Italy
Evgeny Kharlamov, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Ioana Georgiana Ciuciu, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania
Networking Session
Dumitru Roman, SINTEF AS, Norway
George Konstantinidis, University of Southampton, UK
Emanuel Sallinger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Publicity Chairs
Kai Sauerwald, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
Tor-Morten Grønli, Kristiania University College, Norway
Romuald Esdras Wandji, Umeå University, Sweeden
* CORE Conference
** Google Scholar H5-Index = 25
*** Indexed in Scopus, WoS, DBLP, etc.
WorldCIST'25 - The 13rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 15 - 17 April 2025
http://worldcist.org/ <http://worldcist.org/>
The WorldCist'25 - 13rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, to be held in Florianopolis, at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 15 - 17 April 2025, is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Information Systems and Technologies.
We are pleased to invite you to submit your original papers to WorldCist'25. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.
Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes proposed for the Conference:
A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM);
B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS);
C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM);
D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT);
E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA);
F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS);
G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS);
H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA);
I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS)
K) Health Informatics (HIS);
L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE);
M) Technologies for Biomedical Applications (TBA)
N) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications (ITR);
Four types of original papers can be submitted:
Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of the Conference themes. These papers are assigned a 12-page limit.
Short paper: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, open to discussion. These papers are assigned a 8-page limit.
Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, open to discussion. These papers are assigned to a 4-page limit.
Company paper: Companies' papers that show practical experience, R & D, tools, etc., focused on some topics of the conference. These papers are assigned to a 8-page limit.
Submitted papers must comply with the format of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website), be written in English, must not have been published before, not be under review for any other conference or publication and not include any information leading to the authors’ identification. Therefore, the authors’ names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included in the version for evaluation by the Program Committee. This information should only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publish form filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system.
All papers will be subjected to a “double-blind review” by at least two members of the Program Committee.
Based on Program Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted as the type originally submitted or as another type. Thus, full papers can be accepted as short papers or poster papers only. Similarly, short papers can be accepted as poster papers only.
Poster papers and Company papers are not published in the Conference Proceedings, being only presented and discussed. The authors of accepted poster papers should build and print a poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference includes Work Sessions where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 7 minute limit per poster.
The authors of accepted Full papers will have 15 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted Short papers and Company papers will have 11 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 4 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation.
To ensure that a full paper or short paper is published and presented, poster paper or company paper is presented, at least one of the authors must be fully registered by the 15th of January 2025, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors before they submit the camera-ready version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration. One registration permits only the participation of one author in the conference.
Full and Short papers will be published in Proceedings by Springer, in several books of of the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series. Poster and company papers will not be published, just presented in the conference.
Published Full and Short papers will be submitted for indexation by WoS, SCOPUS, DBLP and Google Scholar, among others, and will be available in the SpringerLink Digital Library.
The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to extend them for publication in international journals indexed by WoS/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP, among others, such as:
International Journal of Neural Systems (IF: 6.6 / Q1)
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (IF: 6.5 / Q1)
Informatica (IF: 3.3 / Q1)
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (IF: 2.1 / Q2)
Data Technologies and Applications (IF: 1.7 / Q2)
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (IF: 1.7 / Q3)
Journal of Computer Languages (IF: 1.7 / Q3)
Computer Science and Information Systems (IF: 1.2 / Q3)
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering - Imaging & Visualization (IF: 1.3 / Q4)
Journal of Engineering Research (IF: 0.9 / Q4)
Journal of Information Science and Engineering (IF: 0.5 / Q4)
Paper Submission: December 5, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: January 5, 2025
Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: January 8, 2025.
Camera-ready Submission: January 15, 2025
WorldCIST is a CORE conference, which has a Google Scholar H5-Index = 25.
We are awaiting your paper submission.
Website of WorldCIST'25: https://worldcist.org/ <https://worldcist.org/>
WorldCIST'25 Team
https://worldcist.org/ <https://worldcist.org/>
The Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security
https://rc-trust.ai/ is seeking to fill the following position at the
TU Dortmund University as soon as possible. If you are interested in
the position, please send your application (Ref-No. W52-24) until 20th
December 2024!
Young Investigator Group Leader
*** Reliable Graph Machine Learning ***
You will create your own independent research group; funding for 5
years includes your own position plus one additional PhD position
funded by our research center.
Envisioned research should be focused but not limited to:
▪ Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks
▪ Adversarial Attacks on Node Embeddings
▪ Neural Network Architectures for Graphs
▪ Generative Models for Graphs
▪ Geometric Deep Learning
▪ Representation Learning
▪ Bayesian Methods for Graph Machine Learning
▪ Robustness Certificates, Reliability Guarantees or Uncertainty
Quantification supporting Trustworthy Machine Learning
We are searching in particular for young female scientists with
▪ Excellent degree (doctorate) in machine learning, artificial
intelligence, or related research areas.
▪ High degree of independence to create and lead an independent
research group within an interdisciplinary research environment.
▪ Experience with interdisciplinary research projects with
fundamental theoretical research and practical applications
More information:
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller
More young investigator positions will open in the next weeks on
***Active Learning and Uncertainty Quantification***
and some more core ML topics. If you interested, feel free to apply