Call for papers, extended deadline!
Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI)
June 13-17 2022, Amsterdam
New Deadlines:
Abstract submission: March 5th 2022
Paper submission: March 12th 2022
Author notification: April 18 2022
Camera-ready submission: May 2nd 2022
Main conference: 13-17 June 2022
All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI) is the first international conference
focusing on the study of Artificial Intelligent systems that cooperate synergistically,
proactively and purposefully with humans, amplifying instead of replacing human intelligence.
HHAI aims for AI systems that assist humans and vice versa, emphasizing the need for adaptive,
collaborative, responsible, interactive and human-centered intelligent systems that leverage
human strengths and compensate for human weaknesses, while taking into account social, ethical
and legal considerations. This field of study is driven by current developments in AI, but
also requires fundamentally new approaches and solutions. In addition, we need collaboration
with areas such as HCI, cognitive and social sciences, philosophy & ethics, complex systems,
and others. In this first international conference, we invite scholars from these fields to
submit their best original, new as well as in progress, visionary and existing work on
Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence.
We welcome research on the different challenges in Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence. The
following list of topics is illustrative, not exhaustive.
* Human-AI interaction and collaboration
* Adaptive human-AI co-learning and co-creation
* Learning, reasoning and planning with humans and machines in the loop
* User modelling and personalisation
* Integration of learning and reasoning
* Transparent, explainable and accountable AI
* Fair, ethical, responsible and trustworthy AI
* Societal awareness of AI
* Multimodal machine perception of real world settings
* Social signal processing
We welcome contributions about all types of technology, from robots and conversational agents
to multi-agent systems and machine learning models.
This first edition of Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence is organized by the Hybrid Intelligence
Centre ( ) and the Humane-AI European Network
( ) .
Paper types
In this conference, we wish to stimulate the exchange of novel ideas and interdisciplinary
perspectives. To do this, we will accept three different types of papers:
* Full papers present original, impactful work (12 pages excluding references)
* Working papers present work in progress or new and visionary ideas (8 pages excluding. references)
* Extended abstracts present existing, pre-published work (4 pages excluding references)
Accepted full papers will be published in the Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Hybrid Human-Machine Intelligence, in the Frontiers of AI series by IOS Press. Abstracts of working
papers and existing work can be included in these proceedings, unless the authors request the
abstracts to remain unpublished.
All accepted papers will receive a minimum slot for oral presentation of 15 minutes. Depending on
the content and quality of the work, some papers will be selected for longer presentations.
This will be an in-person, single-track conference, held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Pending local
and global Covid measures at the time of the conference, we will provide options to attend virtually.
The conference will be hosted at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Reviewing process & Submission guidelines
Reviewing will be single anonymized, as we are welcoming existing work and references to previous work
from the submitting authors.
Submissions of full and working papers should be original work and ideas without substantial overlap
with pre-published papers. Extended abstracts can present previously published work.
On acceptance, at least 1 author should attend the conference. A significant contribution is expected
from all authors. A justification of contributions in the paper is appreciated.
All studies involving human participants should have received human-research ethics consent from the
relevant institutions and mention this in the paper.
All submissions should adhere to IOS formatting guidelines. A template for LateX can be found here,
and for Word here. Papers should be written in English.
Work should be submitted in .pdf format via easychair:
Contact information
Keep an eye out on our website for more information:
General chair: Stefan Schlobach (VU)
Program chairs: Myrthe Tielman (TUDelft) & Maria Perez-Ortiz (UCL)
For questions, you can reach us at: hhai2022(a)<>
(with apologies for cross-postings)
Please consider forwarding this information to anyone that can be
*Special Session on Formal concept analysis and uncertainty*
A special session at the 19th International Conference on Information
Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU
2022, that will be held in Milan (Italy) on July 11th – 15th.
Conference website:
Objectives and topics
Over the last few years, research on extending FCA theory to deal with
imprecise and incomplete information has advanced significantly: Fuzzy
Formal Conceptual Analysis, FCA with granular computation, interval-valued,
possibility theory, triadic FCA and others aim to deal with uncertainty and
vagueness in data.
This session aims to gather a number of researchers concerning FCA and
imprecision in data management. The topics include but not are limited to:
- Theoretical foundations in FCA
- Logic and fuzzy logic in FCA
- Attribute implications, association rules and data dependencies
- Redundancy and dimensionality reduction
- Knowledge discovery and data analysis
- Conceptual Exploration
- Ontologies
- Algorithms and applications
The conference proceedings will be published in Communications in Computer
and Information Science (CCIS) with Springer. CCIS is abstracted/indexed in
DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus.
CCIS volumes will also be submitted for inclusion in ISI Proceedings
The submission must be written in English using the LaTeX2e Springer class
file (LNCS/CCIS one-column page format). The length of submission is at
most 12 pages in this format and may be submitted in PDF via the EasyChair
system at:
In the system, you can choose the "Formal concept analysis and uncertainty"
The submission rules are available in
Important dates
Submission of full papers: 14 January 2022
Notification of acceptance: 1 March 2022
Camera-ready copies due: 15 April 2022
Conference: 11 - 15 July 2022
Pablo Cordero, Universidad de Málaga, Spain. e-mail: pcordero(a)
Domingo López-Rodríguez, Universidad de Málaga, Spain. e-mail:
Ángel Mora, Universidad de Málaga, Spain. e-mail: amora(a)
Kind regards,
Domingo López-Rodríguez
*Dept. of Applied Mathematics.Universidad de Málaga*
*fcaR website*:
*fcaR download*:
Due to several requests, the submission of full papers is extended to February, 25th 2022
Title and Abstract are due by February, 18th, 2022
19th International Conference on Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
(IPMU 2022)
July 11th-15th, 2022, Milano, Italy <>
The conference will be in presence and in case of international
travel restrictions we will switch to hybrid mode
The IPMU conference is organized every two years with the aim of bringing together scientists working on information processing and the management of the many aspects of uncertainty.
It also serves as an ideal forum for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners in these and related areas.
The next edition of IPMU will be held in Milano, Italy from July 11th to 15th, 2022.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 19th IPMU Conference, we invite researchers to submit original research contributions (theoretical, methodological, applications) and/or to organize a special session on a specific topic within the scope of the conference which includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:
Theory, Methods and Tools:
Measures of Information and Uncertainty
Bayesian and Probabilistic Methods
Evidence, Possibility and Utility Theories
Fuzzy, Rough, Intuitionistic, etc. sets and operators
Fuzzy Logic and other non-classical Logics
Multiple Criteria Decision Methods
Aggregation Methods
Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning
Graphical Models
Machine Learning
Evolutionary Computation
Neural Networks
Data Analysis and Data Science.
Application Fields:
Big Data
Smart Cities
Image Processing
Intelligent Systems and Information Processing,
Logistics, Transportation and Routing
Information Retrieval and Fusion
E-Health, Medicine and Bioinformatics
Fuzzy Optimization
Please notice that these are strict deadlines
Submission of full papers: February, 18th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2022
Camera ready copies due: April 22nd, 2022
Conference: July 11th-15th, 2022
Apologies for multiple-postings.
2nd Call For Papers - CLA 2022
The 16th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications
June 20–22, 2022
Tallinn, Estonia
CLA 2022 Webpage <>
**** Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for possible inclusion in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Elsevier, T1 and Q2 in JCR)
CLA2022: The 16th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications
Tallinn University of Technology
Tallinn, Estonia, June 20-22, 2022
Conference website <>
Submission link <>
Abstract registration deadline March 6, 2022
Submission deadline March 13, 2022
Scope and Areas
CLA is an international conference dedicated to formal concept analysis (FCA) and areas closely related to FCA such as data mining, information retrieval, knowledge management, data and knowledge engineering, logic, algebra and lattice theory. CLA provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and students. The program of CLA consists of invited plenary talks, regular talks, workshops, tutorials, and poster sessions. Papers in all areas relevant to theory and applications of FCA are solicited.
Those areas include but are not restricted to:
concept lattices and related structures,
attribute implications and data dependencies,
data preprocessing,
redundancy and dimensionality reduction,
information retrieval,
association rules and other data dependencies,
applications to software engineering, programming languages, data mining, machine learning, linguistics ...
Important Dates
Abstract submission: March 6, 2022.
Paper submission: March 13, 2022.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 17, 2022.
Camera-ready papers due: May 8, 2022.
Conference date: June 20--22, 2022.
Paper Submission and Publication
Papers of up to 12 pages may be submitted in PDF or Postscript format.
Papers need to be formatted using the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science style ( <>).
The submission is to be done via <>
All papers will be judged based on their technical merits, originality, relevance to areas of interest, and presentation clarity. Papers should describe original work that has not been published before, is not under review elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere during CLA 2022's review period.
Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings (with ISBN), available at the conference (printed) and at CEUR Workshop Proceedings and CLA Homepage (online).
Selected papers accepted to CLA 2022 will be invited to further revise and extend their work in a special issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Elsevier, T1 and Q2 in JCR) entitled "Recent advances and trends in Concept Lattices and their Applications".
Invited Speakers
Bernard De Baets, KERMIT, Ghent University, Belgium ( <>)
Radio Mesiar, Slovak University of Technology (STU) Bratislava, Slovakia ( <>)
John F. Sowa, Kyndi, Inc., San Mateo, CA, USA ( <>)
Peter Vojtáš, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic ( <>)
Program co-chairs
Pablo Cordero (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)
Ondrej Kridlo (Pavol Jozef Safárik University in Kosice, Slovakia)
Organization Committee Chair
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Program Committee
Cristina Alcalde, Universidad Del Pais Vasco, UPV/EHU, Spain
Simon Andrews, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
Lubomir Antoni, P. J. Safarik University, Košice, Slovakia
Gabriela Arevalo, Facultad de Ingenieria - Universidad Austral, Argentina
Jaume Baixeries, Ciències de la Computació, Catalonia, Spain
Alexandre Bazin, Université de Lorraine, France
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Radim Belohlavek, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Karell Bertet, Laboratory L3I, University of La Rochelle, France
François Brucker, Ecole Centrale Marseille, France
Ana Burusco, Universidad Publica De Navarra, Spain
Aleksey Buzmakov, INRIA-LORIA(CNRS-Université de Lorraine), Nancy, France
Peggy Cellier, IRISA/INSA Rennes, France
Pablo Cordero, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
M. Eugenia Cornejo, University of Cadiz, Spain
Jean Diatta, Université de la Réunion, France
Stephan Doerfel, University of Kassel, Germany
Xavier Dolques, ICube, Université de Strasbourg/ENGEES, Strasbourg, France
Florent Domenach, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Manuel Enciso, University of Malaga, Spain
Sebastien Ferre, Universite de Rennes 1, France
Alain Gély, LITA, Université Lorraine, Metz, France
Robert Godin, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Dmitry Ignatov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Mehdi Kaytoue, LIRIS - INSA de Lyon, France
Jan Konecny, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Stanislav Krajci, P. J. Safarik University, Slovakia
Ondrej Kridlo, P. J. Safarik University, Košice, Slovakia
Francesco Kriegel, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Michal Krupka, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Leonard Kwuida, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Florence Le Ber, ICube, Université de Strasbourg/ENGEES, Strasbourg, France
Jesús Medina Moreno, University of Cádiz, Spain
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, LIMOS - Blaise Pascal University - CNRS, France
Rokia Missaoui, Université du Québec en Outaouais, LARIM, Canada
Angel Mora, University of Malaga, Spain
Amedeo Napoli, LORIA Nancy, France
Sergei Obiedkov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Malaga, Spain
Jan Outrata, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Jean-Marc Petit, Université de Lyon, INSA Lyon, France
Uta Priss, Ostfalia University, Germany
Olivier Raynaud, LIMOS - Blaise Pascal University - CNRS, France
Sándor Radeleczki, Department of Analysis, University of Miskolc, Hungary
Sebastian Rudolph, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Christian Sacarea, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Barış Sertkaya, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Gerd Stumme, University of Kassel, Germany
Laszlo Szathmary, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Andreja Tepavcevic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Petko Valtchev, Université du Québec À Montréal, Canada
Francisco J. Valverde-Albacete, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Bruce Watson, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
Steering Committee
Radim Belohlavek, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Jean Diatta, Université de la Réunion, France
Peter Eklund, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Sergei O. Kuznetsov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, LIMOS, CNRS UMR 6158, University Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France
Amedeo Napoli, INRIA NGE/LORIA, Nancy, France
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Jan Outrata, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
The CLA'2022 conference will be held in Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, from 20-22 June, 2022.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to pcordero(a) <> or ondrej.kridlo(a) <>.
CLA 2022 Webpage: <>
CLA Homepage: <>
(Apologies for potential cross-posting)
The Joint Ontology Workshops - JOWO 2022
Episode 8: The Svear Sommar of Ontology
August 15-19, 2022, Jönköping, Sweden (On-site) <>
*-- Final Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals --*
Submission deadline: February 15, 2022
Notification: March 1, 2022
The organisation team invites proposals for workshops and tutorials to be
submitted to the eighth edition of the Joint Ontology Workshop (JOWO 2022).
The event will take place at Jönköping University in Sweden on August
15-19, 2022.
Workshops and tutorials at JOWO 2022 are events whose scientific program is
independently established by the workshop organisers, but whose venue
matters are managed by the organisation of the umbrella event. Organisers
for each workshop are responsible to advertise the workshop, finding a
program committee, and reviewing and selecting the contributions. Each
workshop will be treated as an independent track at JOWO and will be
provided with a submission track on JOWO's Easychair, a room at a shared
venue with joint breaks, shared keynote speakers, and social programs.
Attendees are free to partake in all workshops at JOWO and all accepted
papers are to be published in the joint proceedings (open access CEUR
proceedings in the IAOA series:
Proposals for workshops of interest are those that provide a forum for the
discussion of theory, practice, development and/or application of
topics broadly
related to ontologies, formal ontology, and knowledge management and their
application in information science or closely related areas. The strength
of JOWO is the variety of different topics within the same domain.
Therefore, JOWO workshops typically address a wide spectrum of topics
related to ontology research and information science: ranging from
Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Knowledge Representation and Logic,
Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence and
Hybrid AI, Conceptual Modelling and Semantic Web. In general,
any particular domain in which ontologies may be put to use is welcome. As
a workshop collective, JOWO is especially suitable for interdisciplinary
and innovative formats.
Previous JOWO editions were held as independent events in 2019 in Graz
(Austria), in 2017 in Bolzano (Italy), and in conjunction with FOIS 2018 in
Cape Town (South Africa), with FOIS 2016 in Annecy (France), and at IJCAI
2015 in Buenos Aires (Argentina). During the pandemic
times 2022-21, JOWO were held as components in BOSK 2021 and 2022 in
Bolzano (Italy).
This year's venue is Jönköping University. The university offers
modern facilities in a mid-sized town in the south of Sweden. Beautifully
located between shimmering lakes and lush forests, Jönköping is a popular
tourist destination for nature lovers, sports enthusiasts and those
interested in nordic culture. JOWO will be organised as an on-site event,
but individual workshops may choose to invite part of their workshop
presenters in an online form.
*Workshop proposals should be sent as soon
as possible and no later than February 15, 2022. *
We encourage several forms and lengths of workshops (the list is
- workshops that focus on an established research area, including
continuations of workshops that were held in the past;
- workshops that focus on emerging topics and applications, or on open
research questions and challenges;
- workshops that aim to create cross-disciplinary research fostering the
exchange of ideas between groups otherwise mostly disconnected.
Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be* no more than 2 pages* in
length, and must contain the following information:
- title of the workshop/tutorial;
- names of the workshop/tutorial organisers;
- brief description of experience in workshop/tutorial organisation;
- description of the workshop/tutorial topic;
- brief description of the expected audience (please give an estimate of
the expected number of participants and their background and interests);
- intended duration of the workshop (between half a day and a full day);
- timeline for the workshop (submission dates, notification dates). We
recommend taking the proposed "important dates" below into account.
Submissions of workshop proposals will be evaluated by the workshop chairs
of JOWO 2022 using the following criteria:
- Scientific relevance and utility to attendees;
- Quality of the proposal;
- Likelihood of success of the workshop;
- Overlap and complementarity with other workshops.
- February 15, 2022 – Workshop proposal submission deadline
- March 1, 2022 – Latest date for notification of workshop acceptance
- March 16, 2022 – 1st call for papers to be distributed by individual
workshop organisers
- August 15-19, 2022 – JOWO conference dates
In case of further questions please contact: steering.JOWO2022(a)
*Chairs and local organisation:*Maria M. Hedblom, Jönköping University,
Karl Hammar, Jönköping University, Sweden
Tan He, Jönköping University, Sweden
*Proceedings chair:*
Tiago Sales Prince, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
*Web chair:*
Selja Seppälä, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland
ICWE 2022
22nd International Conference on Web Engineering
Bari, Italy | July 5-8, 2022
Call for Demos & Posters
Given the high number of requests, the deadline has been extended to March 1.
Submission deadline (demos and posters): March 1, 2022 (AoE Time)
Notification of acceptance: March 19, 2022 (AoE Time)
Camera-ready deadline: March 26, 2022 (AoE Time)
The International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) is the premier annual conference on Web Engineering and associated technologies. ICWE aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from various disciplines in academia and industry to tackle the emerging challenges in the engineering of Web applications, the problems of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture.
The track Demos and Posters of ICWE 2022 provides an unique forum for researchers and practitioners alike to showcase demonstrators, to present projects, to discuss preliminary research results, and obtain feedback from members of the Web Engineering community.
* Demos
ICWE 2022 sees significant value in demonstrations and aims to provide visibility and a discussion forum for state-of-the-art technical solutions, implementation experiences and recent research activities. The Demos track offers an exciting and highly interactive way of presenting and discussing demonstrators of promising research. It is an excellent way of showcasing prototypes and the applicability of your research. Submissions about open source software and commercial solutions are also welcome. Note that demonstrations should be brief so that they can be shown repeatedly. We particularly encourage demos with which attendees can interact.
* Posters
The Posters track invites researchers, practitioners, PhD students and others working in any area of Web Engineering, that do not have a demonstration, to submit a poster of their research. We solicit submission of original research, as well as experience and vision papers from both researchers and practitioners. Like Demos, Poster contributions may address any topic that fits within the ICWE 2022 topics of interest.
Topics of interests (not exhaustively) includes the following:
* Web application modelling and engineering
* Web mining and knowledge extraction
* Web Big Data and Web data analytics
* Mobile Web applications
* Web of Things applications
* Social Web applications
* Web crowdsourcing and human computation
* Semantic Web, Web ontologies, and Linked Open Data applications
* Web composition and mashups
* Web user interfaces
* Quality and accessibility aspects of Web applications
* Web security and privacy
* Web services, computing, and standards
* Microservice architecture for Web applications
* Cloud, fog, and edge computing for Web applications
* Fairness of Web technology
* User Modelling and Recommender Systems based on Web technology
* Explainable Web technology
The submissions to the track Demo and Poster must include:
* A description of the work (up to 4 pages in LNCS format including references) to be included into the proceedings of ICWE 2022. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use proceedings templates as instructed at Submissions should be in PDF format.
* An appendix (in free format) informing what will be demonstrated and how the contributions will be illustrated interactively. For demos, the appendix should include a URL that points to a preliminary version of the demo (e.g., screenshots, videos, or a running system). For posters, it should include a link to download a poster in PDF format, A0 size.
All submissions should through EasyChair using the link
Publication of Accepted Submissions
Camera-ready versions of accepted Demos and Posters submissions will be published in the ICWE 2022 main conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted submission must register for the conference and present the work during the demos and posters sessions.
The final version of each accepted paper must strictly adhere to the LNCS guidelines ( and must include a printable file of the camera-ready version as well as all required source files (either MS Word or Latex). No changes to the LNCS formatting rules are permitted. Authors of accepted papers must also download and sign a copyright form that will be made available in due time.
Yashar Deldjoo (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
Irene Garrigos (University of Alicante, Spain)
Marco Tkalcic (University of Primorska, Slovenia)
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: pdchair.icwe2022(a)
***** HIGHLIGHTS *****
- Submission of full papers: February, 18th, 2022
- Five student grants offered by Eusflat
- Panel session on “The legacy of 40 years of rough sets"
19th International Conference on Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
(IPMU 2022)
July 11th-15th, 2022, Milano, Italy <>
The conference will be in presence and in case of international
travel restrictions we will switch to hybrid mode
The IPMU conference is organized every two years with the aim of bringing together scientists working on information processing and the management of the many aspects of uncertainty.
It also serves as an ideal forum for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners in these and related areas.
The next edition of IPMU will be held in Milano, Italy from July 11th to 15th, 2022.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 19th IPMU Conference, we invite researchers to submit original research contributions (theoretical, methodological, applications) and/or to organize a special session on a specific topic within the scope of the conference which includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:
Theory, Methods and Tools:
Measures of Information and Uncertainty
Bayesian and Probabilistic Methods
Evidence, Possibility and Utility Theories
Fuzzy, Rough, Intuitionistic, etc. sets and operators
Fuzzy Logic and other non-classical Logics
Multiple Criteria Decision Methods
Aggregation Methods
Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning
Graphical Models
Machine Learning
Evolutionary Computation
Neural Networks
Data Analysis and Data Science.
Application Fields:
Big Data
Smart Cities
Image Processing
Intelligent Systems and Information Processing,
Logistics, Transportation and Routing
Information Retrieval and Fusion
E-Health, Medicine and Bioinformatics
Fuzzy Optimization
Please notice that these are strict deadlines
Submission of full papers: February, 18th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2022
Camera ready copies due: April 22nd, 2022
Conference: July 11th-15th, 2022
Dear list-members
The backend service of the fca-list was recently updated to a more modern
mailman software. This caused an error which prevented the forwarding of
messages to the list members since mid-December.
We fixed this issue and fca-list should now work again as expected. If you think
a message from you in the aforementioned time frame may be lost due to this
error, please just resend it.
Best Regards
Dr. Tom Hanika
Universität Kassel Tel.: +49 (0) 561 804 6350
The research group Knowledge & Data Engineering at the University of Kassel
announces a
*PhD position (salary scale TV-H E13, 100%)*
in the context of the LOEWE-Project "Dimension Curse Detector" [1].
The position [2] is supervised by PI Dr. Tom Hanika [3] in cooperation with
Prof. Dr. Gerd Stumme and Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider (TU Freiberg). The group's
emphasis is on researching and developing methods and algorithms at the
confluence of Knowledge Discovery, Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics. The
research project aims at exhibiting concentration phenomena in the realm of
high-dimensional machine learning and data science applications.
We welcome talented and highly motivated candidates with knowledge in discrete
structures or mathematical foundations of machine learning, as well as good
programming skills in Python, GNU R, Fortran, or Java. Furthermore, a high
social competency and a very good command of the English language are expected.
Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant *Master's degree* (or
equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or a related field.
The position is (at first) limited to *2 years* (cf. Qualifikationsstelle gem. §
65 HHG i. V. m. § 2 Abs. 1 Satz 1 WissZeitVG; Promotionsmöglichkeit).
Please submit your complete application (including all necessary documents and a
letter of intent) via the application portal [4].
Applications are accepted as of now until *2022-02-15*.
Dr. Tom Hanika
Universität Kassel Tel.: +49 (0) 561 804 6350
With a Thematic Track on FCA !
Sorry for multiple postings
Call for Papers
IFCS 2022
17th Conference of the
International Federation of Classification Societies
19th-23rd July 2022 – Porto, Portugal
Conference website:
Write to us at: ifcs2022(a)<>
We are proud to announce the keynote speakers that have already confirmed their participation to the IFCS 2022 Conference:
* Genevera Allen (USA)
* Charles Bouveyron (FR)
* Dianne Cook (AUS)
* João Gama (PT)
* * *
· Pre-conference Proceedings (6-8 page papers) in the Springer Series: “Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization”
· Post-conference Special Issues:
* Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC)
* Journal of Classification
* Machine Learning
* EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
Conference topics
Big Data • Biplots • Clustering, Classification and Discrimination • Compositional Data Analysis • Computer Graphics and Visualization • Data Science • Data Science Education • Data Streams • Databases and Data Management • Deep Learning • Dependence Modelling and Copulas • Dimension Reduction • Formal Concept Analysis • Functional Data Analysis • Generalized Linear Models • Image Analysis and Computer Vision • Information-theoretic Statistical Modelling and Model Selection • Knowledge Representation and Discovery • Machine Learning • Mathematical Foundations of Data Science • Matrix Factorization • Meta-learning • Missing Data Handling • Model-based Clustering • Modelling High-Dimensional and Complex Data • Natural Language Processing • Optimization in Classification and Clustering • Pattern Recognition • Robust Methods • Social Network Analysis • Spatial Data Analysis • Statistical and Econometric Methods • Statistical Learning and Data Mining • Symbolic Data Analysis • Text Mining • Time Series Analysis • Web Mining
with Applications in
Archaeology • Astronomy • Biology • Business and Management • Economics • Education • Engineering • Finance • Geosciences • Industry • Linguistics • Marketing • Medicine and Health Care • Musicology • Psychology • Risk Management • Social Sciences
Important dates:
January 15th, 2022 NEW DATE : January 25th, 2022 - Submission of full papers
March 1st, 2022 - Notification to authors
March 15th, 2022 - Submission of revised papers
March 31st, 2022 - Deadline Submission of Single Abstracts
April 14th, 2022 - Notification to Single Abstract Authors
April 30th, 2022- Early registration deadline
June 15th, 2022- Standard registration deadline
after June 15th, 2022 - Late registration deadline
We look forward to meeting you in Porto in July 2022 !