Sorry for multiple postings
IFCS 2022
Classification and Data Science in the Digital Age
17th Conference of the
International Federation of Classification Societies
19th-23rd July 2022 – Porto, Portugal
Conference website:
Write to us at: ifcs2022(a)<>
We are proud to announce the keynote speakers that have already confirmed their participation to the IFCS 2022 Conference:
* Genevera Allen (USA)
* Charles Bouveyron (FR)
* Dianne Cook (AUS)
* João Gama (PT)
* * *
· Post-conference Special Issues:
* Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC)
* Journal of Classification
* Machine Learning
* EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
Conference topics
Big Data • Biplots • Clustering, Classification and Discrimination • Compositional Data Analysis • Computer Graphics and Visualization • Data Science • Data Science Education • Data Streams • Databases and Data Management • Deep Learning • Dependence Modelling and Copulas • Dimension Reduction • Formal Concept Analysis • Functional Data Analysis • Generalized Linear Models • Image Analysis and Computer Vision • Information-theoretic Statistical Modelling and Model Selection • Knowledge Representation and Discovery • Machine Learning • Mathematical Foundations of Data Science • Matrix Factorization • Meta-learning • Missing Data Handling • Model-based Clustering • Modelling High-Dimensional and Complex Data • Natural Language Processing • Optimization in Classification and Clustering • Pattern Recognition • Robust Methods • Social Network Analysis • Spatial Data Analysis • Statistical and Econometric Methods • Statistical Learning and Data Mining • Symbolic Data Analysis • Text Mining • Time Series Analysis • Web Mining
with Applications in
Archaeology • Astronomy • Biology • Business and Management • Economics • Education • Engineering • Finance • Geosciences • Industry • Linguistics • Marketing • Medicine and Health Care • Musicology • Psychology • Risk Management • Social Sciences
Important dates:
March 31st, 2022 April 15th 2022 - Deadline Submission of Single Abstracts
April 15th, 2022 April 30th, 2022 - Notification to Single Abstract Authors
April 30th, 2022 May 15th 2022- Early registration deadline
June 15th, 2022- Standard registration deadline
after June 15th, 2022 - Late registration deadline
We look forward to meeting you in Porto in July 2022 !
Sorry for duplicates...
-- FCA4AI (Tenth Edition) --
``What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?''
co-located with IJCAI-ECAI 2022, Vienna, Austria
July 23 or 24 2022
General Information.
The preceding editions of the FCA4AI Workshop (from ECAI 2012 until IJCAI 2021) showed that many researchers working in Artificial Intelligence are indeed interested by powerful techniques for classification and data mining provided by Formal Concept Analysis. Again, we have the chance to organize the 10th edition of the workshop in Vienna, co-located with the IJCAI-ECAI 2022 Conference.
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematically well-founded theory aimed at data analysis and classification. FCA allows one to build a concept lattice and a system of dependencies (implications and association rules) which can be used for many AI needs, e.g. knowledge processing, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning, ontology engineering as well as information retrieval, recommendation, social network analysis and text processing. Thus, there are many ``natural links'' between FCA and AI.
Recent years have been witnessing increased scientific activity around FCA, in particular a strand of work emerged that is aimed at extending the possibilities of plain FCA w.r.t. knowledge processing, such as work on pattern structures and relational context analysis, as well as on hybridization with other formalisms. These extensions are aimed at allowing FCA to deal with more complex than just binary data, for solving complex problems in data analysis, classification, knowledge processing... While the capabilities of FCA are extended, new possibilities are arising in the framework of FCA.
As usual, the FCA4AI workshop is dedicated to the discussion of such issues, and in particular:
- How can FCA support AI activities in knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, natural language processing...
- By contrast, how the current developments in AI can be integrated within FCA to help AI researchers solve complex problems in their domain,
- Which role can be played by FCA in the new trends in AI, especially in ML, XAI, fairness of algorithms, and ``hybrid systems'' combining symbolic and subsymbolic approaches.
TOPICS OF INTEREST include but are not limited to:
- Concept lattices and related structures: pattern structures, relational structures, distributive lattices.
- Knowledge discovery and data mining:
pattern mining, association rules, attribute implications, subgroup discovery, exceptional model mining, data dependencies, attribute exploration, stability, projections, interestingness measures, MDL principle, mining of complex data, triadic and polyadic analysis.
- Knowledge and data engineering: knowledge representation, reasoning, ontology engineering, mining the web of data, text mining, data quality checking.
- Analyzing the potential of FCA in supporting hybrid systems: how to combine FCA and data mining algorithms, such as deep learning for building hybrid knowledge discovery systems, producing explanations, and assessing system fairness.
- Analyzing the potential of FCA in AI tasks such as classification, clustering, biclustering, information retrieval, navigation, recommendation, text processing, visualization, pattern recognition, analysis of social networks.
- Practical applications in agronomy, astronomy, biology, chemistry, finance, manufacturing, medicine...
The workshop will include time for audience discussion aimed at better understanding of of the issues, challenges, and ideas being presented.
Submission deadline: May 23 2022
Notification to authors: June 20 2022
Final version: July 01 2022
Workshop: July 23 or 24 2022
The workshop welcomes submissions in pdf format in Springer's LNCS style.
Submissions can be:
- technical papers not exceeding 12 pages,
- system descriptions or position papers on work in progress not exceeding 6 pages.
Submissions are via EasyChair at
The workshop proceedings will be published as CEUR proceedings (see preceding editions in CEUR Proceedings Vol-2972, Vol-2729, Vol-2529, Vol-2149, Vol-1703, Vol-1430, Vol-1257, Vol-1058, and Vol-939).
Sergei O. Kuznetsov National Research University Higher Schools of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Amedeo Napoli Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, LORIA, Nancy, France
Sebastian Rudolph Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (under construction)
19th International Conference on Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
(IPMU 2022)
July 11th-15th, 2022, Milano, Italy <>
Call for Abstracts
You are welcome to submit a 1-2 page abstract of your work in progress, your newest or position ideas.
The abstract will be reviewed by the program committee and, once accepted, you will be able to participate at the conference to present your research.
Although your abstract will not be published in the CCIS Springer book (where only long papers will appear), it will be included in the book of abstracts, which will have its own ISBN.
The presentation of novel ideas will undoubtedly open up interesting discussions among the participants, leading to potential new collaborations.
We are convinced that the comments you receive during the presentation and the conversations with your colleagues will help you to finalize your work, which may be presented in some special issues of top journals organized after the conference.
Submit your abstract to the Easychair page <> by selecting the option “abstract only”.
Abstract submission closes on April, 30th.
Acceptance notifications will be distributed as soon as the abstract is reviewed and no later than May, 6th.
*Postdoc position at MISTEA, INRAE Montpellier, France – Semantic Web,
Data linking*
*Areas:Semantic Web, Linked Data, Data linking, Representation learning *
*Qualifications: PhD in Informatics, AI. Background in knowledge
engineering. *
*Context:ANR DACE-DL
<>(DAta-CEntric AI-driven Data
*Contact & Collaboration:*
*Danai Symeonidou, danai.symeonidou(a)
*Clement Jonquet, clement.jonquet(a)
*Dates:Position available for 2 years. Beginning date is flexible. *
*Location:INRAE, Centre Occitanie-Montpellier, MISTEA
<>research unit*
*Salary:Between 2200€ and 2700€ gross monthly depending on
qualifications and situation. *
*Institut: INRAE is the French research organization in agriculture,
food and environmental sciences; it is a pioneer in France in terms of
data sharing and Open Science commitment. The MathNum research
department gathers around 200 scientists in mathematics and digital
technologies in 13 research units in France. MISTEA is a joint research
unit of INRAE and Montpellier Institut Agro engineering school with
activities in the development of mathematical, statistical and
informatics methods dedicated to analysis and decision support for
agronomy and environment. The team is also recognized for its expertise
in knowledge engineering and ontology-based scientific data management
and information systems.*
*Project context: Data linking is the scientific challenge of
automatically establishing typed links between the entities of two or
more structured datasets. A variety of complex data linking systems
exists, evaluated on public benchmarks [1,2,3]. While they have allowed
for the generation of vast amounts of linked data in the context of
various dedicated projects, data generic systems often have limited
applicability in many real-world scenarios, where data are highly
heterogeneous and domain-specific. The ANR project DACE-DL (2022-2024)
targets a paradigm shift in the data linking field with a data-centric
bottom-up methodology relying on machine learning and representation
learning models [4]. We hypothesize there exists a finite number of
identifiable and generalisable linking problem types (LPTs), that we
need to categorize and analyze to provide better linking results. *
*Topic:The postdoc will work to identify and provide a
categorisation/taxonomy of the different linking problem types based on
an in-depth analysis of the linked datasets provided by the project and
beyond. The first objective is to provide an in-depth analysis of the
linked data available along with an exhaustive study of the
state-of-the-art in the field of data linking. A finite number of
generalisable linking problem types will be classified including the
relations and inherent structure of the LPTs made explicit to both human
and machine. The goal is to answer questions such as: are certain LPTs
or groups of LPTs (e.g. siblings at a given level of the taxonomy)
specific to a domain, language or a community? Are certain LPTs inherent
to specific types of data? Once a formal taxonomy of LPTs is produced,
various datasets will be manually annotated. These annotations on
existing pairs of datasets will be used to learn, using machine learning
strategies, features for the automatic categorization of other datasets.
The postdoc will co-supervise a PhD student working on the machine
learning methods.*
*Application: Send application to the contact emails including:*
*a short description of introducing yourself *
*your adequacy to the position *
*a CV and *
*one major publication*
*[1] M. Nentwig, (...) E. Rahm. A survey of current link discovery
frameworks, Semantic Web, 2017.*
*[2] Euzenat, J., (...), Trojahn, C. Ontology matching benchmarks:
generation, stability, and discriminability. Web Semantics, 2013.*
*[3] Zhou, L, (...), Trojahn, C., Zamazal, O: Towards evaluating complex
ontology alignments. Knowl. Eng. Rev., 2020.*
*[4] Todorov, K. Datasets First! A Bottom-up Data Linking Paradigm. ISWC
2019 Satellite Tracks, Auckland, New Zealand, October 26-30, 2019.*
*ICCS 2022: 27th International Conference on Conceptual Structures*
Münster, Germany, September 12-15, 2022
Conference website:
Abstract registration: March 25 (was: March 11, 2022)
Submission deadline: April 1 (was: March 18, 2022)
The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focus on
the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge, at the
crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational
linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive
science. The ICCS conferences evolved from a series of seven annual
workshops on conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering
hosted by John F. Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge
representation and reasoning (KRR) paradigms are getting more and more
attention. With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based
representations provide a vehicle for making machine cognition
explicit to its human users.
Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously
unpublished research on the formal analysis and representation of
conceptual knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI). All papers will
receive mindful and rigorous reviews that will provide authors with
useful critical feedback. The aim of the ICCS 2022 conference is to
build upon its long-standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on
providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based
systems. The conference welcomes contributions that address
graph-based representation and reasoning paradigms (e.g. Bayesian
Networks (BNs), Semantic Networks (SNs), RDF(S), Conceptual Graphs
(CGs), Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), CP-Nets, GAI-Nets, Graph
Databases, Diagrams, Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web, etc.) from a
modelling, theoretical and application viewpoint.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Existential and Conceptual Graphs
- Graph-based models for human reasoning
- Social network analysis
- Formal Concept Analysis
- Conceptual knowledge acquisition
- Data and Text mining
- Human and machine reasoning under inconsistency
- Human and machine knowledge representation and uncertainty
- Automated decision-making and argumentation
- Preferences
- Contextual logic
- Ontologies
- Knowledge architecture and management
- Semantic Web, Web of Data, Web 2.0
- Conceptual structures in natural language processing and linguistics
- Metaphoric, cultural or semiotic considerations
- Constraint satisfaction
- Resource allocation and agreement technologies
- Philosophical, neural, and didactic investigations of conceptual,
graphical representations
*Submission Information*
We invite scientific papers of up to fourteen pages, short
contributions up to eight pages. Papers must be formatted according to
Springer’s LNCS style guidelines and not exceed the page limit. Papers
will be subject to double-blind peer review, in which the reviewers do
not know the author’s identity, and the submission should be done via
EasyChair ( All
paper submissions will be refereed and authors will have the
opportunity to respond to reviewers’ comments during the rebuttal
phase. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings,
published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series. At least one author of
each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the
paper there. Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by DBLP.
*Review Process*
Papers will be subject to double blind peer review in which the
reviewers do not know the author’s identity. In order to make blind
reviewing possible, authors must omit their names and affiliations
from the paper. Also, while the references should not include
unpublished work. When referring to one’s own work, use the third
person rather than the first person. Such identifying information can
be added back to the final camera-ready version of accepted
papers. Similarly, reviewers should not reveal their identities within
the paper reviews. The review process will include the opportunity for
authors to see the reviews of their papers and to respond to technical
questions raised by the reviewers before discussion starts within the
Program Committee. The decision of the Program Committee will be final
and cannot be appealed.
*Program Committee (tentative)*
- Simon Andrews – Sheffield Hallam University
- Moulin Bernard – Laval University
- Peggy Cellier – IRISA/INSA Rennes
- Peter Chapman – Edinburgh Napier University
- Madalina Croitoru – LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier II
- Licong Cui – The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- Harry Delugach – University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Florent Domenach – Akita International University
- Dominik Endres – University of Marburg
- Jérôme Euzenat – INRIA & Univ. Grenoble Alpes
- Catherine Faron Zucker – Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
- Marcel Gehrke – University of Lübeck
- Raji Ghawi – Technical University of Munich
- Ollivier Haemmerlé – IRIT, Univ. Toulouse le Mirail
- Tom Hanika – Knowledge and Data Engineering, University of Kassel
- Nathalie Hernandez – IRIT
- Dmitry Ignatov – National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Adil Kabbaj – INSEA
- Hamamache Kheddouci – Universit Claude Bernard
- Léonard Kwuida – Bern University of Applied Sciences
- Jérôme Lang – CNRS, LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Natalia Loukachevitch – Research Computing Center of Moscow State
- Philippe Martin – UEA2525 LIM, Uni. of La Réunion
- Franck Michel – Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, I3S
- Amedeo Napoli – LORIA Nancy (CNRS - Inria - Université de Lorraine)
- Sergei Obiedkov – National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Nathalie Pernelle – LIPN, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
- Simon Polovina – Sheffield Hallam University
- Sebastian Rudolph – TU Dresden
- Christian Sacarea – Babes-Bolyai University
- Fatiha Saïs – LRI (Paris Sud University &CNRS8623), Paris Saclay
- Gerd Stumme – University of Kassel
- Srdjan Vesic – CRIL, CNRS – Univ. Artois
- Guoqiang Zhang – UTHealth
- Diana Șotropa – Babes-Bolyai University
*Organizing committee*
- Tanya Braun – University of Münster (General Chair)
- Diana Cristea – Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Program Chair)
- Robert Jäschke – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Program Chair)
Prof. Dr. Robert Jäschke
Humboldt University Berlin & L3S Research Center Hannover
< >< +49 (0)30 2093-70960 >
< >>>>><<<<< >
Dear friend,
In the last call for papers there was a small mistake. The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 20 and the deadline for submitting the full paper is March 28. Please excuse the inconvenience.
Kind regards,
Pablo Cordero
The 16th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications
June 20–22, 2022. Tallinn, Estonia
CLA 2022 Webpage: <>
**** Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for possible inclusion in the
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Elsevier, T1 and Q2 in JCR)
CLA2022: The 16th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications
Tallinn University of Technology
Tallinn, Estonia, June 20-22, 2022
Conference website <>
Submission link <>
Abstract registration deadline March 20, 2022
Submission deadline March 28, 2022
Scope and Areas
CLA is an international conference dedicated to formal concept analysis (FCA) and areas closely related to FCA such as data mining, information retrieval, knowledge management, data and knowledge engineering, logic, algebra and lattice theory. CLA provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and students. The program of CLA consists of invited plenary talks, regular talks, workshops, tutorials, and poster sessions. Papers in all areas relevant to theory and applications of FCA are solicited.
Those areas include but are not restricted to:
concept lattices and related structures,
attribute implications and data dependencies,
data preprocessing,
redundancy and dimensionality reduction,
information retrieval,
association rules and other data dependencies,
applications to software engineering, programming languages, data mining, machine learning, linguistics ...
Important Dates
Abstract submission: March 6, 2022. March 20, 2022.
Paper submission: March 13, 2022. March 28, 2022.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 17, 2022. April 27, 2022.
Camera-ready papers due: May 8, 2022. May 15, 2022.
Conference date: June 20--22, 2022.
Paper Submission and Publication
Papers of up to 12 pages may be submitted in PDF or Postscript format.
Papers need to be formatted using the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science style ( <>).
The submission is to be done via <>
All papers will be judged based on their technical merits, originality, relevance to areas of interest, and presentation clarity. Papers should describe original work that has not been published before, is not under review elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere during CLA 2022's review period.
Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings (with ISBN), available at the conference (printed) and at CEUR Workshop Proceedings and CLA Homepage (online).
Selected papers accepted to CLA 2022 will be invited to further revise and extend their work in a special issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Elsevier, T1 and Q2 in JCR) entitled "Recent advances and trends in Concept Lattices and their Applications".
Invited Speakers
Bernard De Baets, KERMIT, Ghent University, Belgium ( <>)
Radko Mesiar, Slovak University of Technology (STU) Bratislava, Slovakia ( <>)
John F. Sowa, Kyndi, Inc., San Mateo, CA, USA ( <>)
Peter Vojtáš, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic ( <>)
Program co-chairs
Pablo Cordero (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)
Ondrej Kridlo (Pavol Jozef Safárik University in Kosice, Slovakia)
Organization Committee Chair
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Program Committee
Cristina Alcalde, Universidad Del Pais Vasco, UPV/EHU, Spain
Simon Andrews, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
Lubomir Antoni, P. J. Safarik University, Košice, Slovakia
Gabriela Arevalo, Facultad de Ingenieria - Universidad Austral, Argentina
Jaume Baixeries, Ciències de la Computació, Catalonia, Spain
Alexandre Bazin, Université de Lorraine, France
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Radim Belohlavek, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Karell Bertet, Laboratory L3I, University of La Rochelle, France
François Brucker, Ecole Centrale Marseille, France
Ana Burusco, Universidad Publica De Navarra, Spain
Aleksey Buzmakov, INRIA-LORIA(CNRS-Université de Lorraine), Nancy, France
Peggy Cellier, IRISA/INSA Rennes, France
Pablo Cordero, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
M. Eugenia Cornejo, University of Cadiz, Spain
Jean Diatta, Université de la Réunion, France
Stephan Doerfel, University of Kassel, Germany
Xavier Dolques, ICube, Université de Strasbourg/ENGEES, Strasbourg, France
Florent Domenach, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Manuel Enciso, University of Malaga, Spain
Sebastien Ferre, Universite de Rennes 1, France
Alain Gély, LITA, Université Lorraine, Metz, France
Robert Godin, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Dmitry Ignatov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Mehdi Kaytoue, LIRIS - INSA de Lyon, France
Jan Konecny, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Stanislav Krajci, P. J. Safarik University, Slovakia
Ondrej Kridlo, P. J. Safarik University, Košice, Slovakia
Francesco Kriegel, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Michal Krupka, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Leonard Kwuida, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Florence Le Ber, ICube, Université de Strasbourg/ENGEES, Strasbourg, France
Jesús Medina Moreno, University of Cádiz, Spain
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, LIMOS - Blaise Pascal University - CNRS, France
Rokia Missaoui, Université du Québec en Outaouais, LARIM, Canada
Angel Mora, University of Malaga, Spain
Amedeo Napoli, LORIA Nancy, France
Sergei Obiedkov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Malaga, Spain
Jan Outrata, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Jean-Marc Petit, Université de Lyon, INSA Lyon, France
Uta Priss, Ostfalia University, Germany
Olivier Raynaud, LIMOS - Blaise Pascal University - CNRS, France
Sándor Radeleczki, Department of Analysis, University of Miskolc, Hungary
Sebastian Rudolph, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Christian Sacarea, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Barış Sertkaya, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Gerd Stumme, University of Kassel, Germany
Laszlo Szathmary, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Andreja Tepavcevic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Petko Valtchev, Université du Québec À Montréal, Canada
Francisco J. Valverde-Albacete, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Bruce Watson, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
Steering Committee
Radim Belohlavek, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Jean Diatta, Université de la Réunion, France
Peter Eklund, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Sergei O. Kuznetsov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, LIMOS, CNRS UMR 6158, University Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France
Amedeo Napoli, INRIA NGE/LORIA, Nancy, France
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Jan Outrata, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
The CLA'2022 conference will be held in Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, from 20-22 June, 2022.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to pcordero(a) <> or ondrej.kridlo(a) <>.
CLA 2022 Webpage: <>
CLA Homepage: <>
Sorry for multiple postings
Call for Papers
IFCS 2022
17th Conference of the
International Federation of Classification Societies
19th-23rd July 2022 – Porto, Portugal
Conference website:
Write to us at: ifcs2022(a)<>
We are proud to announce the keynote speakers that have already confirmed their participation to the IFCS 2022 Conference:
* Genevera Allen (USA)
* Charles Bouveyron (FR)
* Dianne Cook (AUS)
* João Gama (PT)
* * *
· Post-conference Special Issues:
* Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC)
* Journal of Classification
* Machine Learning
* EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
Conference topics
Big Data • Biplots • Clustering, Classification and Discrimination • Compositional Data Analysis • Computer Graphics and Visualization • Data Science • Data Science Education • Data Streams • Databases and Data Management • Deep Learning • Dependence Modelling and Copulas • Dimension Reduction • Formal Concept Analysis • Functional Data Analysis • Generalized Linear Models • Image Analysis and Computer Vision • Information-theoretic Statistical Modelling and Model Selection • Knowledge Representation and Discovery • Machine Learning • Mathematical Foundations of Data Science • Matrix Factorization • Meta-learning • Missing Data Handling • Model-based Clustering • Modelling High-Dimensional and Complex Data • Natural Language Processing • Optimization in Classification and Clustering • Pattern Recognition • Robust Methods • Social Network Analysis • Spatial Data Analysis • Statistical and Econometric Methods • Statistical Learning and Data Mining • Symbolic Data Analysis • Text Mining • Time Series Analysis • Web Mining
with Applications in
Archaeology • Astronomy • Biology • Business and Management • Economics • Education • Engineering • Finance • Geosciences • Industry • Linguistics • Marketing • Medicine and Health Care • Musicology • Psychology • Risk Management • Social Sciences
Important dates:
March 31st, 2022 - Deadline Submission of Single Abstracts
April 14th, 2022 - Notification to Single Abstract Authors
April 30th, 2022- Early registration deadline
June 15th, 2022- Standard registration deadline
after June 15th, 2022 - Late registration deadline
We look forward to meeting you in Porto in July 2022 !
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* For the online version of this Call, visit: *
The RecSys Challenge 2022 will be organized by Dressipi (, Bruce Ferwerda (Jönköping University, Sweden), Saikishore Kalloori (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), and Abhishek Srivastava (IIM Jammu, India).
The 2022 RecSys challenge focuses on fashion recommendations; given a sequence of item views, the label data for those items, and the label data for all candidate items, the task is to predict the item that was purchased in the session.
As part of the challenge, Dressipi will be releasing a public dataset of 1 million online retail sessions that resulted in a purchase. In addition all items in the dataset have been labeled with content data and the labels are supplied. We refer to the label data as item features (e.g., color, neckline, etc.). The labels have been assigned using Dressipi’s human-in-the-loop system where fashion experts review, correct and confirm the correctness of the labels, so we expect this to be a dataset of high accuracy and quality. The dataset is sampled and anonymized.
In the fashion domain items churn at a very high rate and using content data is essential. In this challenge a portion of the test purchases we evaluate against will be newer items that have little or no past interaction data. However, these candidate items will have label data and can be recommended successfully if we can identify which labels a user session has a preference for. This is an accurate reflection of what happens in the real world, where items are available to us to preview and apply content data before they go live, but when they go live we have to be able to recommend them accurately straight away.
A detailed description of the challenge is available on the website of the RecSys Challenge 2022 ( Accepted contributions will be presented during the RecSys Challenge Workshop in 2022.
Nick Landia, Dressipi
Bruce Ferwerda, Jönköping University
Saikishore Kalloori, ETH Zürich
Abhishek Srivastava, IIM Jammu
Frederick Cheung, Dressipi
Donna North, Dressipi
Vito Walter Anelli, Politecnico di Bari
Apologies for multiple-postings.
Extended Deadline (March 20, 2022) - Call For Papers - CLA 2022
The 16th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications
June 20–22, 2022
Tallinn, Estonia
CLA 2022 Webpage <>
**** Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for possible inclusion in the
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Elsevier, T1 and Q2 in JCR)
CLA2022: The 16th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications
Tallinn University of Technology
Tallinn, Estonia, June 20-22, 2022
Conference website <>
Submission link <>
Abstract registration deadline March 20, 2022
Submission deadline March 27, 2022
Scope and Areas
CLA is an international conference dedicated to formal concept analysis (FCA) and areas closely related to FCA such as data mining, information retrieval, knowledge management, data and knowledge engineering, logic, algebra and lattice theory. CLA provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and students. The program of CLA consists of invited plenary talks, regular talks, workshops, tutorials, and poster sessions. Papers in all areas relevant to theory and applications of FCA are solicited.
Those areas include but are not restricted to:
concept lattices and related structures,
attribute implications and data dependencies,
data preprocessing,
redundancy and dimensionality reduction,
information retrieval,
association rules and other data dependencies,
applications to software engineering, programming languages, data mining, machine learning, linguistics ...
Important Dates
Abstract submission: March 6, 2022. March 20, 2022.
Paper submission: March 13, 2022. March 27, 2022.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 17, 2022. April 27, 2022.
Camera-ready papers due: May 8, 2022. May 15, 2022.
Conference date: June 20--22, 2022.
Paper Submission and Publication
Papers of up to 12 pages may be submitted in PDF or Postscript format.
Papers need to be formatted using the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science style ( <>).
The submission is to be done via <>
All papers will be judged based on their technical merits, originality, relevance to areas of interest, and presentation clarity. Papers should describe original work that has not been published before, is not under review elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere during CLA 2022's review period.
Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings (with ISBN), available at the conference (printed) and at CEUR Workshop Proceedings and CLA Homepage (online).
Selected papers accepted to CLA 2022 will be invited to further revise and extend their work in a special issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Elsevier, T1 and Q2 in JCR) entitled "Recent advances and trends in Concept Lattices and their Applications".
Invited Speakers
Bernard De Baets, KERMIT, Ghent University, Belgium ( <>)
Radko Mesiar, Slovak University of Technology (STU) Bratislava, Slovakia ( <>)
John F. Sowa, Kyndi, Inc., San Mateo, CA, USA ( <>)
Peter Vojtáš, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic ( <>)
Program co-chairs
Pablo Cordero (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)
Ondrej Kridlo (Pavol Jozef Safárik University in Kosice, Slovakia)
Organization Committee Chair
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Program Committee
Cristina Alcalde, Universidad Del Pais Vasco, UPV/EHU, Spain
Simon Andrews, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
Lubomir Antoni, P. J. Safarik University, Košice, Slovakia
Gabriela Arevalo, Facultad de Ingenieria - Universidad Austral, Argentina
Jaume Baixeries, Ciències de la Computació, Catalonia, Spain
Alexandre Bazin, Université de Lorraine, France
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Radim Belohlavek, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Karell Bertet, Laboratory L3I, University of La Rochelle, France
François Brucker, Ecole Centrale Marseille, France
Ana Burusco, Universidad Publica De Navarra, Spain
Aleksey Buzmakov, INRIA-LORIA(CNRS-Université de Lorraine), Nancy, France
Peggy Cellier, IRISA/INSA Rennes, France
Pablo Cordero, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
M. Eugenia Cornejo, University of Cadiz, Spain
Jean Diatta, Université de la Réunion, France
Stephan Doerfel, University of Kassel, Germany
Xavier Dolques, ICube, Université de Strasbourg/ENGEES, Strasbourg, France
Florent Domenach, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Manuel Enciso, University of Malaga, Spain
Sebastien Ferre, Universite de Rennes 1, France
Alain Gély, LITA, Université Lorraine, Metz, France
Robert Godin, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Dmitry Ignatov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Mehdi Kaytoue, LIRIS - INSA de Lyon, France
Jan Konecny, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Stanislav Krajci, P. J. Safarik University, Slovakia
Ondrej Kridlo, P. J. Safarik University, Košice, Slovakia
Francesco Kriegel, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Michal Krupka, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Leonard Kwuida, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Florence Le Ber, ICube, Université de Strasbourg/ENGEES, Strasbourg, France
Jesús Medina Moreno, University of Cádiz, Spain
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, LIMOS - Blaise Pascal University - CNRS, France
Rokia Missaoui, Université du Québec en Outaouais, LARIM, Canada
Angel Mora, University of Malaga, Spain
Amedeo Napoli, LORIA Nancy, France
Sergei Obiedkov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Malaga, Spain
Jan Outrata, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Jean-Marc Petit, Université de Lyon, INSA Lyon, France
Uta Priss, Ostfalia University, Germany
Olivier Raynaud, LIMOS - Blaise Pascal University - CNRS, France
Sándor Radeleczki, Department of Analysis, University of Miskolc, Hungary
Sebastian Rudolph, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Christian Sacarea, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Barış Sertkaya, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Gerd Stumme, University of Kassel, Germany
Laszlo Szathmary, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Andreja Tepavcevic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Petko Valtchev, Université du Québec À Montréal, Canada
Francisco J. Valverde-Albacete, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Bruce Watson, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
Steering Committee
Radim Belohlavek, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Sadok Ben Yahia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Jean Diatta, Université de la Réunion, France
Peter Eklund, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Sergei O. Kuznetsov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, LIMOS, CNRS UMR 6158, University Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France
Amedeo Napoli, INRIA NGE/LORIA, Nancy, France
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Jan Outrata, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
The CLA'2022 conference will be held in Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, from 20-22 June, 2022.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to pcordero(a) <> or ondrej.kridlo(a) <>.
CLA 2022 Webpage: <>
CLA Homepage: <>
19th International Conference on Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
* (IPMU 2022)*
July 11th-15th, 2022, Milano, Italy
*Call for Abstracts*
You are welcome to submit a 1-2 page abstract of your work in progress,
your newest or position ideas.
The abstract will be reviewed by the program committee and, once accepted,
you will be able to participate at the conference to present your research.
Although your abstract will not be published in the CCIS Springer book
(where only long papers will appear), it will be included in the book of
abstracts, which will have its own ISBN.
The presentation of novel ideas will undoubtedly open up interesting
discussions among the participants, leading to potential new
We are convinced that the comments you receive during the presentation and
the conversations with your colleagues will help you to finalize your work,
which may be presented in some special issues of top journals organized
after the conference.
*Submission *
Submit your abstract to the Easychair page by selecting the option
“abstract only”.
Abstract submission opens on March, 7th and closes on April, 30th.
*Acceptance *
Acceptance notifications will be distributed after April, 1st and as soon
as the abstract is reviewed.