On Sunday, CBS 60 Minutes presented a segment about Khanmigo, an AI tutor that is powered
by LLM technology. It has shown some very impressive results, and the teachers who use it
in their classes have found it very helpful. It doesn't replace teachers. It helps
them by offloading routine testing and tutoring,
As I have said many times. there are serious limitations to the LLM technology, which
requires evaluation to avoid serious errors and hallucinogenic disasters. Question; How
can Khanmigo and related systems avoid those disasters?
I do not know the details of the Khanmigo implementation. But from the examples they
showed, I suspect that they avoid mistakes by (1) Starting with a large text that was
written, tested, and verified by humans (possibly with some computer aid); (2) For each
topic, the system does Q/A primarily by translation; (3) And the LLM technology was first
developed for translation and Q/A; (4) if the source text is tested and verified, a Q/A
system that is based on that text can usually be very good and dependable.
But the CBS program did show an example where the system made some mistakes.
Summary: This example shows great potential for the LLM technology. But it also shows
the need for evaluation by the traditional AI symbolic methods. Those methods have been
tried and tested for over 50 years, and they are just as important today as they ever
As a reminder: LLMs can be used with a large volume of sources to find information and to
generate hypotheses. But if the source is very large and unverified for accuracy, it can
and does find and generate erroneous or even dangerously false information. That is why
traditional AI methods are essential for evaluating what they find in a large volume of
source data.
Danger; The larger the sources, the more likely that the LLMs will find bad data.
Without evaluation, bigger is definitely not better. I am skeptical about attempts to
create super large volumes of LLM data. Those systems consume enormous amounts of
electricity with a diminishing return on investment.
There is already a backlash by employees of Google and Elon M.