Differential Propositional Calculus • 13
Note. Please see the blog post linked above for the proper formats
of the notations used below, as they depend on many typographical
distinctions lost in the following transcript.
Differential Extensions —
An initial universe of discourse A• supplies the groundwork for any number of
further extensions, beginning with the first order differential extension EA•.
The construction of EA• can be described in the following stages.
The initial alphabet ‡A‡ = {“a₁”, …, “aₙ”} is extended by a first order
differential alphabet d‡A‡ = {“da₁”, …, “daₙ”} resulting in a first order
extended alphabet E‡A‡ defined as follows.
• E‡A‡ = ‡A‡ ∪ d‡A‡ = {“a₁”, …, “aₙ”, “da₁”, …, “daₙ”}.
The initial basis †A† = {a₁, …, aₙ} is extended by a first order
differential basis d†A† = {da₁, …, daₙ} resulting in a first order
extended basis E†A† defined as follows.
• E†A† = †A† ∪ d†A† = {a₁, …, aₙ, da₁, …, daₙ}.
The initial space A = ⟨a₁, …, aₙ⟩ is extended by a first order
differential space or tangent space dA = ⟨da₁, …, daₙ⟩ at each point
of A, resulting in a first order extended space EA defined as follows.
• EA = A × dA = ⟨E†A†⟩ = ⟨†A† ∪ d†A†⟩ = ⟨a₁, …, aₙ, da₁, …, daₙ⟩.
Finally, the initial universe A• = [a₁, …, aₙ] is extended by a first order
differential universe or tangent universe dA• = [da₁, …, daₙ] at each point
of A•, resulting in a first order extended universe EA• defined as follows.
• EA• = [E†A†] = [†A† ∪ d†A†] = [a₁, …, aₙ, da₁, …, daₙ].
This gives EA• a type defined as follows.
• [Bⁿ × Dⁿ] = (Bⁿ × Dⁿ +→ B) = (Bⁿ × Dⁿ, Bⁿ × Dⁿ → B).
A proposition in a differential extension of a universe of discourse
is called a differential proposition and forms the analogue of a system
of differential equations in ordinary calculus. With these constructions,
the first order extended universe EA• and the first order differential
propositions f : EA → B, we arrive at the foothills of differential logic.