Differential Propositional Calculus • 8
Formal Development (cont.)
Before moving on, let's unpack some of the assumptions,
conventions, and implications involved in the array of
concepts and notations introduced above.
A universe of discourse A° = [a₁, …, aₙ] qualified by the logical
features a₁, …, aₙ is a set A plus the set of all functions from the
space A to the boolean domain B = {0, 1}. There are 2ⁿ elements in A,
often pictured as the cells of a venn diagram or the nodes of a hypercube.
There are 2^(2ⁿ) possible functions from A to B, accordingly pictured as
all the ways of painting the cells of a venn diagram or the nodes of a
hypercube with a palette of two colors.
A logical proposition about the elements of A is either true or false
of each element in A, while a function f : A → B evaluates to 1 or 0
on each element of A. The analogy between logical propositions and
boolean-valued functions is close enough to adopt the latter as models
of the former and simply refer to the functions f : A → B as propositions
about the elements of A.
Resources —
Logic Syllabus
Survey of Differential Logic