Differential Propositional Calculus • 6
Cactus Calculus —
Table 6 outlines a syntax for propositional calculus based on
two types of logical connectives, both of variable k-ary scope.
• A bracketed sequence of propositional expressions (e_1, e_2, ..., e_k) is
taken to mean exactly one of the propositions e_1, e_2, ..., e_k is false,
in other words, their minimal negation is true.
• A concatenated sequence of propositional expressions e_1 e_2 ... e_k is
taken to mean every one of the propositions e_1, e_2, ..., e_k is true,
in other words, their logical conjunction is true.
Table 6. Syntax and Semantics of a Calculus for Propositional Logic
All other propositional connectives can be obtained through
combinations of the above two forms. Strictly speaking, the
concatenation form is dispensable in light of the bracket form,
but it is convenient to maintain it as an abbreviation for more
complicated bracket expressions.
While working with expressions solely in propositional calculus,
it is easiest to use plain parentheses for logical connectives.
In contexts where parentheses are needed for other purposes
“teletype” parentheses or barred parentheses (| ... |) may
be used for logical operators.
The briefest expression for logical truth is the empty word,
abstractly denoted ε or λ in formal languages, where it forms
the identity element for concatenation. It may be given visible
expression in this context by means of the logically equivalent
form (( )), or, especially if operating in an algebraic context,
by a simple 1. Also when working in an algebraic mode, the plus
sign {+} may be used for exclusive disjunction. For example, we
have the following paraphrases of algebraic expressions.
• x + y = (x, y)
• x + y + z = ((x, y), z) = (x, (y, z))
It is important to note the last expressions are not equivalent
to the triple bracket (x, y, z).
More information about this syntax for propositional calculus
can be found at the following locations.
Resources —
Logic Syllabus
Zeroth Order Logic
Minimal Negation Operators