Cf: Peirce’s 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Comment 11.3…
Peirce’s 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Comment 11.3…
Before I can discuss Peirce’s “number of” function in greater detail
I will need to deal with an expositional difficulty I have been
carefully dancing around all this time, but one which will
no longer abide its assigned place under the rug.
Functions have long been understood, from well before Peirce’s time to ours,
as special cases of dyadic relations, so the “number of” function is already
to be numbered among the class of dyadic relatives we’ve been dealing with
all this time. But Peirce’s manner of representing a dyadic relative term
mentions the “rèlate” first and the “correlate” second, a convention going
over into functional terms as making the functional value first and the
functional argument second.
The problem is, almost anyone brought up in our present time frame is
accustomed to thinking of a function as a set of ordered pairs where
the order in each pair lists the functional argument first and the
functional value second.
Syntactic wrinkles of this sort can be ironed out smoothly enough
in a framework of flexible interpretive conventions, but not without
introducing an order of anachronism into Peirce’s text I want to avoid
as much as possible. This will require me to experiment with various
styles of compromise. Among other things, the interpretation of
Peirce’s 1870 “Logic of Relatives” can be facilitated by introducing
a few items of background material on relations in general, as regarded
from a combinatorial point of view.