Operator Variables in Logical Graphs • 2
Operand Variables —
In George Spencer Brown's “Laws of Form” the relation between
the primary arithmetic and the primary algebra is founded on
the idea that a variable name appearing as an operand in an
algebraic expression indicates the contemplated absence or
presence of any expression in the arithmetic, with the
understanding that each appearance of the same variable
name indicates the same state of contemplation with
respect to the same expression of the arithmetic.
For example, consider the following expression:
Figure 1. Cactus Graph (a(a))
We may regard this algebraic expression as a general expression
for an infinite set of arithmetic expressions, starting like so:
Figure 2. Cactus Graph Series (a(a))
Now consider what that says about the following algebraic law:
Figure 3. Cactus Graph Equation (a(a)) = _
It permits us to understand the algebraic law as saying,
in effect, that every one of the arithmetic expressions
of the contemplated pattern evaluates to the very same
canonical expression as the upshot of that evaluation.
That is, as far as I know, just about as close as we
come to a conceptually and ontologically minimal way
of understanding the relation between an algebra and
its corresponding arithmetic.