Transformations of Logical Graphs • 12
Re: Transformations of Logical Graphs • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11
Taking from our wallets an old schedule of orbits, let's
review the classes of logical graphs we've covered so far.
Episode 9. Self-Dual Logical Graphs —
Episode 9 dealt with four orbits of “self-dual logical graphs”,
whose text expressions are x, y, (x), (y), respectively.
The logical graphs whose text expressions are x, y, (x), (y)
denote the boolean functions f₁₂, f₁₀, f₃, f₅, in that order,
and the value of each function f on each point (x, y) of B × B
is shown in the following Table.
Truth Table for Self-Dual Logical Graphs
Episode 10. Constants and Amphecks —
Episode 10 dealt with two orbits of logical graphs
called “constants” and “amphecks”, respectively.
The “constant” logical graphs denote the constant functions,
defined as follows.
• f₀ : B × B → 0
• f₁₅ : B × B → 1
Under the Existential Interpretation:
• The function f₀ is denoted by the logical graph
whose text form is “( )”.
• The function f₁₅ is denoted by the logical graph
whose text form is “ ”.
Under the Entitative Interpretation:
• The function f₀ is denoted by the logical graph
whose text form is “ ”.
• The function f₁₅ is denoted by the logical graph
whose text form is “( )”.
The “ampheck” logical graphs denote the ampheck functions,
defined as follows.
• f₁(x, y) = NNOR(x, y).
• f₇(x, y) = NAND(x, y).
Under the Existential Interpretation:
• The function f₁(x, y) = NNOR(x, y) is denoted
by the logical graph with text form (x)(y).
• The function f₇(x, y) = NAND(x, y) is denoted
by the logical graph with text form (xy).
Under the Entitative Interpretation:
• The function f₁(x, y) = NNOR(x, y) is denoted
by the logical graph with text form (xy).
• The function f₇(x, y) = NAND(x, y) is denoted
by the logical graph with text form (x)(y).
The values of the constant and ampheck functions
on the points of B × B are tabulated below.
Truth Table for Constants and Amphecks
Episode 11. Subtractions and Implications —
Episode 11 dealt with two orbits of logical graphs
called “subtractions” and “implications”, respectively.
The “subtraction” logical graphs denote the subtraction functions,
defined as follows.
• f₂(x, y) = y ¬ x.
• f₄(x, y) = x ¬ y.
The “implication” logical graphs denote the implication functions,
defined as follows.
• f₁₁(x, y) = x ⇒ y.
• f₁₃(x, y) = y ⇒ x.
Under the action of the Entitative ↔ Existential duality the
logical graphs for the subtraction f₂ and the implication f₁₁
fall into one orbit while the logical graphs for the subtraction
f₄ and the implication f₁₃ fall into another orbit, making these
2 partitions of the 4 functions “orthogonal” or “transversal”
to each other.
The values of the subtraction and implication functions
on the points of B × B are tabulated below.
Truth Table for Subtractions and Implications