In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 3
An episode of inquiry bears the stamp of an interlude — it begins
and ends “in medias res” with respect to actions and circumstances
neither fixed nor fully known. As easy as it may be to overlook the
contingent character of the inquiry process it's just as essential to
observe a couple of its consequences:
First, it means genuine inquiry does not touch on the inciting action
at points of total doubt or absolute certainty. An incident of inquiry
does not begin or end in absolute totalities but only in the differential
and relative measures which actually occasion its departures and resolutions.
Inquiry as a process does not demand absolutely secure foundations from
which to set out or any “place to stand” from which to examine the balance
of onrushing events. It needs no more than it does in fact have at the outset —
assumptions not in practice doubted just a moment before and a circumstance of
conflict that will force the whole situation to be reviewed before returning
to the normal course of affairs.
Second, the interruptive character or escapist interpretation of inquiry
is especially significant when contemplating programs of inquiry with
recursive definitions, as the motivating case of inquiry into inquiry.
It means the termination criterion for an inquiry subprocess is whatever
allows continuation of the calling process.