Differential Propositional Calculus • 34
Example 2. Drives and Their Vicissitudes (cont.)
With a little thought it is possible to devise a canonical indexing scheme
for the states in differential logical systems. A scheme of that order
allows for comparing changes of state in universes of discourse that
weigh in on different scales of observation.
To that purpose, let us index the states q in E^m X with the dyadic
rationals (or the binary fractions) in the half‑open interval [0, 2).
Formally and canonically, a state q_r is indexed by a fraction r = s/t
whose denominator is the power of two t = 2^m and whose numerator is
a binary numeral formed from the coefficients of state in a manner
to be described next.
The “differential coefficients” of the state q are the values d^k (q)
for k = 0 to m, where d⁰A is defined as identical to A. To form the
binary index d₀.d₁ … d_m of the state q the coefficient d^k A(q) is
read off as the binary digit d_k associated with the place value 2^{-k}.
Expressed in algebraic terms, the rational index r of the state q is
given by the following equivalent formulations.
Differential Coefficients • State Coordinates
Resources —
Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems
Differential Logic • Drives and Their Vicissitudes