Differential Propositional Calculus • 26
Example 1. A Square Rigging (concl.)
If we eliminate from view the regions of E²X ruled out by the dynamic
law d²A = (A) then what remains is the quotient structure shown in the
following Figure. The picture makes it easy to see how the dynamically
allowable portion of the universe is partitioned between the respective
holdings of A and d²A. As it happens, the fact might have been expressed
“right off the bat” by an equivalent formulation of the differential law,
one which uses the exclusive disjunction to state the law as (A, d²A).
Example 1. The Tiller
What we have achieved in this example is to give a differential description
of a simple dynamic process. We did this by embedding a directed graph,
representing the state transitions of a finite automaton, in the share
of a boolean lattice or n‑cube cut out by nullifying all the regions
the dynamics outlaws.
With growth in the dimensions of our contemplated universes it becomes essential, both
for human comprehension and for computer implementation, that dynamic structures of
interest be represented not actually, by acquaintance, but virtually, by description.
In our present study we are using the language of propositional calculus to express
the relevant descriptions, and to grasp the structures embodied in subsets of n‑cubes
without being forced to actualize all their points.
Resources —
Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems
Differential Logic • A Square Rigging