Peircean Semiotics and Triadic Sign Relations • 2
When I returned to graduate school for the third time around,
this time in systems engineering, I had in mind integrating my
long‑standing projects investigating the dynamics of information,
inquiry, learning, and reasoning, viewing each as a process whose
trajectory evolves over time through the medium which gives it
concrete embodiment, namely, a triadic sign relation.
Up until that time I don't believe I'd ever given much thought to
sign relations that had anything smaller than infinite domains of
objects, signs, and interpretant signs. Countably infinite domains
are what come natural in logic, since that is the norm for the formal
languages it uses. Continuous domains come first to mind when turning
to physical systems, despite the fact that systems with a discrete or
quantized character often enter the fray.
So it came as a bit of a novelty to me when my advisor, following
the motto of engineers the world over to “Keep It Simple, Stupid!” —
affectionately known by the acronym KISS — asked me to construct the
simplest non‑trivial finite example of a sign relation I could possibly
come up with. The outcome of that exercise I wrote up in the following
primer on sign relations.
Inquiry Driven Systems • Sign Relations : A Primer
Inquiry Driven Systems • Semiotic Equivalence Relations