Cf: Relation Theory • 4
The next few definitions of “local incidence properties” of relations
are given at a moderate level of generality in order to show how they
apply to k-place relations. In the sequel we'll see what light they
throw on a number of more familiar 2-place relations and functions.
A “local incidence property” of a relation L is a property which
depends in turn on the properties of special subsets of L known
as its “local flags”. The local flags of a relation are defined
in the following way.
Let L be a k-place relation L ⊆ X₁ × … × Xₖ.
Pick a relational domain Xₘ and a point x in Xₘ.
The “flag of L with x at m”, written Lₓ@ₘ and also known as the
“x@m-flag of L”, is a subset of L with the following definition.
• Lₓ@ₘ = {(x₁, …, xₘ …, xₖ) ∈ L : xₘ = x}.
Any property C of the local flag Lₓ@ₘ is said to be a
“local incidence property of L with respect to the locus x @ m”.
A k-adic relation L ⊆ X₁ × … × Xₖ is said to be “C-regular at m”
if and only if every flag of L with x at m has the property C,
where x is taken to vary over the “theme” of the fixed domain Xₘ.
Expressed in symbols, L is C-regular at m
if and only if C(Lₓ@ₘ) is true for all x in Xₘ.
Relation Theory
Triadic Relations
Sign Relations
Survey of Relation Theory
Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives”…