Transformations of Logical Graphs • 1
Re: Interpretive Duality in Logical Graphs • 1
Re: Mathematical Duality in Logical Graphs • 1
Anything called a “duality” is naturally associated with
a transformation group of order 2, say a group G acting on
a set X. Transformation groupies generally refer to X as
a set of “points” even when the elements have additional
structure of their own, as they often do. A group of order
two has the form G = {1, t}, where 1 is the identity element
and the remaining element t satisfies the equation t² = 1,
being on that account self‑inverse.
A first look at the dual interpretation of logical graphs from
a group-theoretic point of view is provided by the Table below.
Interpretive Duality as Group Symmetry
The sixteen boolean functions f : B × B → B on two variables
are listed in Column 1.
Column 2 lists the elements of the set X, specifically,
the sixteen logical graphs γ giving canonical expression
to the boolean functions in Column 1.
Column 2 shows the graphs in existential order but
the order is arbitrary since only the transformations
of the set X into itself are material in this setting.
Column 3 shows the result 1γ of the group element 1
acting on each graph γ in X, which is of course the
same graph γ back again.
Column 4 shows the result tγ of the group element t
acting on each graph γ in X, which is the entitative
graph dual to the existential graph in Column 2.
The last Row of the Table displays a statistic of considerable
interest to transformation group theorists. It is the total
incidence of “fixed points”, in other words, the number of
points in X left invariant or unchanged by the various
group actions. I'll explain the significance of the
fixed point parameter next time.