Cf: Peirce’s 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Comment 12.3 (part 2 of 2)…
Peirce’s 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Comment 12.3…
Last time we looked at two ways of computing a logical involution which
raises a dyadic relative term to the power of a monadic absolute term,
for example, ℓ^w for “lover of every woman”.
The first method computes the denotation of the term ℓ^w
by intersecting the family of sets produced by applying ℓ
to the elements of w, as given by the following equation.
Equation 1. Denotation Equation for L^W…
The second method operates in the matrix representation,
raising the matrix for ℓ to the power of the matrix for w,
as given by the following equation.
Equation 2. Matrix Computation for L^W…
To gain a more intuitive grasp of what these formulas mean,
let's cook up a concrete example and draw a picture of the
relations involved.
Involution Example
Consider a universe of discourse X subject to the following data.
• X = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i}
• W = {d, f}
• L = {b:a, b:c, c:b, c:d, e:d, e:e, e:f, g:f, g:h, h:g, h:i}
Figure 55 shows the placement of W within X
and the placement of L within X × X.
Figure 55. Bigraph for the Involution L^W…
To highlight the role of W more clearly, the Figure represents
the absolute term “w” by means of the relative term “w,” which
conveys the same information.
Computing the denotation of ℓ^w by way of the class intersection
formula, we can show our work as follows.
Equation 3. Class Intersection Formula for L^W…
With Figure 55 in mind we can visualize
the computation of (L^W)_u as follows.
1. Pick a specific u in the bottom row of the Figure.
2. Pan across the elements v in the middle row of the Figure.
3. If u links to v then L_uv = 1, otherwise L_uv = 0.
4. If v in the middle row links to v in the top row then W_v = 1,
otherwise W_v = 0.
5. Compute the value of (L_uv)^W_v, which equals the value of the
converse implication L_uv ⇐ W_v, for each v in the middle row.
6. If any of the values (L_uv)^W_v is 0 then the product
∏_v (L_uv)^W_v is 0, otherwise it is 1.
As a general observation, we know the value of (L_uv)^W_v goes to 0
just as soon as we find a v in X such that L_uv = 0 and W_v = 1,
in other words, such that (u, v) is not L but v is in W.
If there is no such v then (L_uv)^W_v = 1.
Running through the program for each u in X, the only case producing
a non-zero result is ((L_uv)^W_v)_e = 1. That portion of the work
can be summarized as follows.
Equation 4. Matrix Coefficient Formula for L^W…