Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy • 13
Inquiry and Analogy • Higher Order Propositional Expressions
Higher Order Propositions and Logical Operators (n = 2)
There are 2¹⁶ = 65536 measures of type m : (B² → B) → B.
Table 13 introduces the first 24 of those measures in the
fashion of higher order truth table I used before.
The column headed m_j shows the values of the measure m_j on
each of the propositions f_i : B² → B, for i = 0 to 23, with
blank entries in the Table being optional for values of zero.
The arrangement of measures which continues according to the
plan indicated here is referred to as the “standard ordering”
of those measures. In this scheme of things, the index j of
the measure m_j is the decimal equivalent of the bit string
associated with m_j’s functional values, which are obtained
in turn by reading the j-th column of binary digits in the
Table as the corresponding range of boolean values, taking
them up in the order from bottom to top.
Table 13. Higher Order Propositions (n = 2)