Differential Propositional Calculus • 18
The Extended Universe of Discourse —
The “extended basis” E†A† of a universe of discourse [†A†] is formed by
taking the initial basis †A† together with the differential basis d†A†.
Thus we have the following formula.
• E†A† = †A† ∪ d†A† = {a₁, …, aₙ, da₁, …, daₙ}
This supplies enough material to construct the “differential extension” EA
of the space A, also called the “tangent bundle” of A, in the following fashion.
• EA = ⟨E†A†⟩ = ⟨†A† ∪ d†A†⟩ = ⟨a₁, …, aₙ, da₁, …, daₙ⟩
and also
• EA = A × dA = A₁ × … × Aₙ × dA₁ × … × dAₙ
That gives EA the type Bⁿ × Dⁿ.
Finally, the “extended universe” EA• = [E†A†] is the full collection of
points and functions, or interpretations and propositions, based on the
extended set of features E†A†, a fact summed up in the following notation.
• EA• = [E†A†] = [a₁, …, aₙ, da₁, …, daₙ]
That gives the extended universe EA• the following type.
• (Bⁿ × Dⁿ +→ B) = (Bⁿ × Dⁿ, (Bⁿ × Dⁿ → B))
A proposition in the extended universe [E†A†] is called a “differential proposition”
and forms the logical analogue of a system of differential equations, constraints,
or relations in ordinary calculus.
With these constructions, the differential extension EA and the space
of differential propositions (EA → B), we arrive at the launchpad of
our space explorations.
Table 11 summarizes the notations needed to describe the first order
differential extensions of propositional calculi in a systematic manner.
Table 11. Differential Extension • Basic Notation
The adjective “differential” or “tangent” is systematically attached
to every construct based on the differential alphabet d‡A‡, taken by
itself. In like fashion, the adjective “extended” or the substantive
“bundle” is systematically attached to any construct associated with
the full complement of 2n features.
Resources —
Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems
The Extended Universe of Discourse