Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy • 17
Inquiry and Analogy • Application of Higher Order Propositions to Quantification Theory
(Part 1)
Our excursion into the expanding landscape of higher order propositions
has come round to the point where we can begin to open up new perspectives
on quantificational logic.
Though it may be all the same from a purely formal point of view,
it does serve intuition to adopt a slightly different interpretation
for the two‑valued space we take as the target of our basic indicator
functions. In that spirit we declare a novel type of “existence‑valued
functions” f : Bⁿ → E where E = {-e, +e} = {empty, existent} is a pair of
values indicating whether anything exists in the cells of the underlying
universe of discourse. As usual, we won't be too picky about the coding
of those functions, reverting to binary codes whenever the intended
interpretation is clear enough.
With that interpretation in mind we observe the following correspondence
between classical quantifications and higher order indicator functions.
Table 17. Syllogistic Premisses as Higher Order Indicator Functions