Cf: In the Way of Inquiry • Formal Apology…
Part 3
Interpretive Frameworks
Iterations of the recombinatorial process generate alternative hierarchies of
categories for controlling the explosion of parts in the domain under inquiry.
If by some piece of luck an alternative framework is uniquely suited to the
natural ontology of the domain in question, it becomes advisable to reorganize
the inquiry along the lines of the new topic headings.
But a complex domain seldom falls out that neatly. The new interpretive framework
will not preserve all the information in the object domain but typically capture
only another aspect of it. To take the maximal advantage of all the different
frameworks that might be devised it is best to quit depending on any one of them
exclusively. Thus, a rigid reliance on a single hierarchy to define the ontology
of a given domain passes over into a flexible application of interpretive frameworks
to make contact with particular aspects of one’s object domain.
Jon (