Sign Relations • Examples
Soon after I made my third foray into grad school, this time
in Systems Engineering, I was trying to explain sign relations
to my advisor and he — being the very model of a modern systems
engineer — asked me to give a concrete example of a sign relation,
as simple as possible without being trivial. After much cudgeling
of the grey matter I came up with a pair of examples which had the
added benefit of bearing instructive relationships to each other.
Despite their simplicity, the examples to follow have subtleties
of their own and their careful treatment serves to illustrate
important issues in the general theory of signs.
Imagine a discussion between two people, Ann and Bob, and attend
only to the aspects of their interpretive practice involving the
use of the following nouns and pronouns.
• “Ann”, “Bob”, “I”, “you”.
• The “object domain” of their discussion
is the set of two people {Ann, Bob}.
• The “sign domain” of their discussion
is the set of four signs {“Ann”, “Bob”, “I”, “you”}.
Ann and Bob are not only the passive objects of linguistic
references but also the active interpreters of the language
they use. The “system of interpretation” associated with each
language user can be represented in the form of an individual
three‑place relation known as the “sign relation” of that
In terms of its set‑theoretic extension, a sign relation L
is a subset of a cartesian product O × S × I. The three sets
O, S, I are known as the “object domain”, the “sign domain”,
and the “interpretant domain”, respectively, of the sign relation
L ⊆ O × S × I.
Broadly speaking, the three domains of a sign relation may be any
sets at all but the types of sign relations contemplated in formal
settings are usually constrained to having I ⊆ S. In those cases
it becomes convenient to lump signs and interpretants together in
a single class called the “sign system” or the “syntactic domain”.
In the forthcoming examples S and I are identical as sets, so the
same elements manifest themselves in two different roles of the
sign relations in question.
When it becomes necessary to refer to the whole set of objects and
signs in the union of the domains O, S, I for a given sign relation L,
we will call this set the “World of L” and write W = W_L = O ∪ S ∪ I.
To facilitate an interest in the formal structures of sign relations
and to keep notations as simple as possible as the examples become more
complicated, it serves to introduce the following general notations.
• O = Object Domain
• S = Sign Domain
• I = Interpretant Domain
Introducing a few abbreviations for use in this Example,
we have the following data.
• O = {Ann, Bob} = {A, B}
• S = {“Ann”, “Bob”, “I”, “you”} = {“A”, “B”, “i”, “u”}
• I = {“Ann”, “Bob”, “I”, “you”} = {“A”, “B”, “i”, “u”}
In the present example, S = I = Syntactic Domain.
Tables 1a and 1b show the sign relations associated with the
interpreters A and B, respectively. In this arrangement the
rows of each Table list the ordered triples of the form (o, s, i)
belonging to the corresponding sign relations, L_A, L_B ⊆ O × S × I.
Figure. Sign Relation Tables L_A and L_B
The Tables codify a rudimentary level of interpretive practice for
the agents A and B and provide a basis for formalizing the initial
semantics appropriate to their common syntactic domain. Each row
of a Table lists an object and two co‑referent signs, together
forming an ordered triple (o, s, i) called an “elementary sign
relation”, that is, one element of the relation's set‑theoretic
Already in this elementary context, there are several
meanings which might attach to the project of a formal
semiotics, or a formal theory of meaning for signs.
In the process of discussing the alternatives, it is
useful to introduce a few terms occasionally used in
the philosophy of language to point out the needed
distinctions. That is the task we'll turn to next.
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Sign Relations
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