Cf: Sign Relations • Discussion 12
Re: Cybernetics
::: Cliff Joslyn
Dear Cliff,
From a purely speculative point of view, any triadic relation L ⊆ X×X×X
on any set X might be capable of capturing aspects of objective structure
immanent in the conduct of logical reasoning. At least I can think of no
reason to exclude those possibilities à priori.
When we turn to the task of developing computational adjuncts to inquiry
there is still no harm in keeping arbitrary triadic relations in mind, as
entire hosts of them will turn up on the “universe” side of many universes
of discourse we happen to encounter, if nowhere else.
Peirce's use of the word “definition” understandably leads us to anticipate a
strictly apodictic development, say, along the lines of abstract group theory
or axiomatic geometry. In that light I often look to group theory for hints
on how to go about tackling a category of triadic relations such as we find
in semiotics. The comparison makes for a very rough guide but the contrasts
are also instructive.
More than that, the history of group theory, springing as it did as yet unnamed
from the ground of pressing mathematical problems, from Newton's use of symmetric
functions and Galois' application of permutation groups to the theory of equations
among other sources, tells us what state of development we might reasonably expect
from the current still early days of semiotics.
To be continued …