Cf: Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Comment 12.2 (part 3 of 3)…
Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Comment 12.2…
Finally, let's see how operations on boolean values
induce the corresponding operations on sets and terms.
The term ℓ^w determines a selection of individuals from the universe
of discourse X which may be computed via the corresponding operation
on coefficient matrices. If the terms ℓ and w are represented by the
matrices L = Mat(ℓ) and W = Mat(w), respectively, then the operation on
terms which produces the term ℓ^w must be represented by a corresponding
operation on matrices, L^W = Mat(ℓ)^Mat(w), which gives the matrix Mat(ℓ^w).
In short, the involution operation on matrices must be defined in such a way
that the following equation holds.
Equation 1. Matrix Involution L^W…
The fact that ℓ^w denotes individuals in a subset of X tells us its
matrix representation L^W is a 1‑dimensional array of coefficients
in B indexed by the elements of X. The value of the matrix L^W at
the index u in X is written (L^W)_u and computed as follows.
Equation 2. Matrix Computation L^W…