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** For the online version of this Call, visit:
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender
Systems (RecSys 2023), the premier venue for research on the foundations and applications
of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be held from September
18–22, 2023 in Singapore, with an inclusive format that accommodates remote attendance.
Each accepted contribution is expected to be presented in person. The conference will
continue RecSys’ practice of connecting researchers, practitioners, and students to
exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions across a range of specialties
concerned with recommendation. All accepted papers will be published by ACM.
The Late-Breaking Results (LBR) track of RecSys offers an opportunity for presenting new,
interesting, preliminary results and speculative or innovative work in progress. The track
seeks novel contributions that should be published immediately, because they will
influence the work of others. The topics listed in the main-track call for papers serve as
a reference, but we also encourage submissions with clear relevance to recommender systems
that extend this list.
Accepted contributions for this track will be presented as posters, where the informal
setting encourages presenters and participants to engage in lively discussions about the
presented work. All submissions should convey a scientific result or work in progress that
is not yet ready to be published as a research paper at a refereed conference, but the
preliminary results are already interesting.
Accepted submissions will be published as extended abstracts in the ACM RecSys 2023
conference proceedings.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should report on new and preliminary contributions. The maximum length is 7
pages (excluding references) in the new single-column format.
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Submissions must be submitted
to easychair by 23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth) by July 3rd, 2023.
In addition to these guidelines, the guidelines in the main-track call for papers apply
for Formatting, Anonymity, Ethical Review for Human-Subjects Research, Originality,
Plagiarism and Patenting. Please make sure that you have read and understood those.
RecSys 2023 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI conference is a
serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by SIGCHI volunteers to organize and
manage the reviewing process, and, if the submission is accepted, the publication and
presentation process. Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2023 implicitly confirms the
following statements:
1. I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
2. I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and have obtained
appropriate permissions for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others.
3. I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has
gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
4. I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors will present the
paper at the conference, either in person or through a conference-designated remote
presentation option. Papers that are not presented at the conference by an author may be
removed from the proceedings at the discretion of the program chairs.
Important Dates
* LBR submission deadline: July 3rd, 2023
* LBR notifications: July 21st, 2023
* LBR camera-ready paper: July 28th, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
Late-Breaking Results Chairs
* Pigi Kouki, RelationalAI, USA
* Ruiming Tang, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab
* Chao Huang, University of Hong Kong
E-mail: demos_lbr2023(a)recsys.acm.org