Dear Receiver,
Sorry for potential cross postings.
We invite you to register for HHAI 2023: The Second International Conference on Hybrid
Human-Artificial Intelligence. HHAI 2023 is happening in Munich, Germany on June 26-30 and
we’re excited to share the conference program with you: HHAI is a multidisciplinary
conference involving involves researchers from various fields like AI, HCI, sociology,
psychology and more.
HHAI focuses on AI systems that assist humans and vice versa, emphasising the need for
adaptive, collaborative, responsible, interactive and human-centred intelligent systems
that leverage human strengths and compensate for human weaknesses while considering
social, ethical and legal considerations.
We are only 5 weeks away from the conference! This year, we have a rich program featuring
over 3 keynotes, 34 accepted papers, 17 posters, 4 demos, 8 doctoral colloquium students,
6 workshops, 3 tutorials, 1 hackathon, 2 industrial events, and 2 social events.
When? Mon - Fri 26-30 June 2023 (in-person only event)
Where? Munich, Germany
Fees? Registration is now OPEN (Register by 2 June 2023 to receive the early bird
Need financial assistance? [Application deadline: 26 May 2023] Check the travel grants
Want to help us and get complimentary registration? [Application deadline: 31 May 2023]
Check the student volunteers' call
Need help in planning? Check local advice from
Feel free to pass the invitations to interested individuals.
We look forward to hosting you in person in Munich!
Warm regards,
Paul Lukowicz, DFKI GmbH
Sven Mayer, LMU Munich
– HHAI 2023 General Chairs –