Dear collegues,
We would like to remind you that there will be three workshops and one
tutorial at the
International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA), July 17-21,
2023, Kassel (Germany).
The workshop deadline has been extended to June 8. Please find below a
short description for
each workshop. For more information on each workshop and the
contribution form, please visit
the conference website (Link
and the individual workshop pages (see below).
We look forward to hopefully many interesting contributions and to
seeing you at the conference.
Best regards,
ICFCA Workshop Organizers
*Workshop “Computational Notebooks for FCA (CoNo-Concepts 2023)” *(Link
Organizer: Uta Priss
Notebooks, in particular Jupyter Notebooks, are becoming increasingly
popular as a means
for documenting procedures, data, calculations, and findings for data
science applications
and teaching. In this workshop, FCA researchers will be able to present
and learn about
experiences with and ideas about using Jupyter Notebooks for FCA
research and teaching.
*Workshop “Preprocessing and Scaling of Contextual Data – PreSCoD”
*(Link <>)
Organizers: Tom Hanika, Johannes Hirth, and Ángel Mora Bonilla
In the recent years, the development of methods for scaling and cleaning
data have lagged
behind the general research in Formal Concept Analysis. The PresSCod
workshop aims to
raise awareness of this problem within the FCA community and beyond. At
the same time,
the workshop shall motivate researchers to devote some time to this
important part of
research and to develop novel theoretical and practical insights.
*Fake Context Challenge (FCC) *(Link
Organizers: Maximilian Felde, Tom Hanika, and Johannes Hirth
Data science and machine learning in particular are significantly
dependent on the quality
of the data. A special problem in this regard at present is the
manipulation of data through
modification or synthesis. With the proposed Fake Context Challenge
(FCC), we want to
address this problem and raise awareness, especially among the FCA
community. In particular,
with the help of the FCC, the development of adequate FCA methods to
detect data tampering
and data synthetization should be promoted.