Dear all,
The Educational Series on Applied Ontology (ESAO) [1] is open for everyone and welcomes
students, researchers and practitioners alike.
The 14h ESAO webinar will be held on Tuesday December 17th, 2024 at 16:00 CET.
When and how to connect
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 15:00 UTC / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST
Duration: 90 minutes
Video conference (via Zoom) :…
15:00 - 16:30 UTC / 16:00 - 17:30 CET / 17:00 - 18:30 SAST / 12:00 - 13:30 UTC-3
Chris Partridge, BORO Solutions Limited and University of Westminster, UK
Ontology-driven conceptual modelling: a 4D perspective (30 minutes + Q&A)
Abstract: Conceptual modelling underpins all activities related to information systems
development, integration and evolution. As digitalisation increases within and across
organisations, significant problems arise when developing or changing business
requirements, maintaining existing systems and exchanging data between them. Many of the
problems that arise are due to the semantic inconsistencies in the underlying models of
such systems. This seminar will discuss how a 4D foundational ontology (BORO) and its
method for semantic improvement (bCLEARer) can provide the basis for increased ontological
clarity and consistency of conceptual models by working on and semantically reengineering
data from existing information systems. The seminar will explain BORO’s top-level
ontology, its criteria of identity and its meta-ontological choices. It will then present
examples of how the method helps to semantically re-engineer and improve models/data from
existing systems.
Maria Keet, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Competency questions (30 minutes + Q&A)
Abstract: Competency Questions (CQs) for ontologies were initially proposed as a way to
assist with scoping of an ontology's content requirements for ontology development,
but gradually have been taking up more diverse uses, including ontology validation and
reuse, and as part of test-driven development of ontologies. Since authoring CQs is
perceived as an arduous and error-prone task, research efforts have gone into automated
writing assistance, the notion of what good and bad CQs are, and their formalisation into
OWL and SPARQL queries. This ESAO webinar will cover CQ foundations and recent advances in
research on CQs for ontologies.
Best regards
Cassia Trojahn, Frank Loebe, Laure Vieu
On behalf of the IAOA Education Committee