fca-list July 2023

  • 6 participants
  • 7 discussions

CfP: 3rd Onto4FAIR Workshop at Semantics 2023 (deadline extension 21/07)
by Cassia TROJAHN
1 year

Final call for papers for FOCI 2023
by Domingo
1 year, 7 months

[OM-2023] 2nd CFP: 18th workshop on Ontology Matching collocated with ISWC
by Cassia TROJAHN
1 year, 7 months

collecting Jupyter notebooks for FCA
by Uta Priss
1 year, 7 months

Call for Participation: - JELIA 2023, the 18th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (20-22 of September, 2023)
by Lucia Gomez Alvarez
1 year, 7 months

[RecSys 2023] Fifth Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop (KaRS 2023)
by Vito Walter Anelli
1 year, 8 months

Call for next ICFCA 2023 organizer
by Gerd Stumme
1 year, 8 months
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