Call for Papers LWDA 2023
(KDML CfP below)

The annual conference LWDA, which expands to „Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen“ („Learning, Knowledge, Data, Analytics“), covers current research in areas such as knowledge discovery, machine learning & data mining, knowledge management, database management & information systems, information retrieval.

The conference will be held at the Philipps University of Marburg from 9 to 11 October 2023 and welcomes submissions of innovative research from both industry and academia.

The LWDA conference brings together the various special interest groups of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Computer Science Society) in this area:

- FG Datenbanksysteme – Data Engineering for Data Science
- FG Knowledge Discovery und Machine Learning
- FG Business Intelligence und Analytics 
- FG Knowledge Management
- FG Information Retrieval 

The program includes joint research sessions and keynotes, as well as workshops organised by each special interest group. We're looking forward to see you at the conference and are looking forward to your submission!

Call for Papers KDML @ LWDA 2023

We invite submissions on all aspects of data mining, knowledge discovery, and machine learning. In addition to original research, we also invite resubmissions of recently published articles at major conference venues related to KDML. Moreover, KDML explicitly invites student submissions.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  1. Foundations, algorithms, models, and theory of machine learning and data mining
  2. Supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning
  3. Machine learning on networks and graphs
  4. Deep learning and representation learning
  5. Rule-based learning and pattern mining
  6. Reinforcement learning
  7. Fairness, transparency and formal guarantees in machine learning
  8. Explainability and Interpretability in machine learning and knowledge discovery
  9. Trustworthiness in machine learning and knowledge discovery
  10. Temporal, spatial & spatio-temporal data analytics
  11. Online learning and machine learning in data streams
  12. Text mining, mining unstructured and semi-structured data
  13. Parallel and distributed data analytics
  14. Interactive and visual analytics
  15. Applications of data mining and machine learning in all domains including natural-,  life-, and social sciences, health, financial, environment, engineering, and humanities
  16. Open source frameworks and tools for data mining and machine learning
Submission deadline: July 20, 2023
Notification of acceptance: August 20, 2023
Camera-ready copy: September 14, 2023
Workshop: October 9 – 11, 2023
Full Call for Papers:

Workshop Organisation

Felix Stamm, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Dr. Helge Spieker, Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway

Best regards,
Helge Spieker
Helge Spieker
Research Scientist
Simula Research Laboratory
Oslo, Norway