[apologies for multiple postings]


37th International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2024

    June 18-21, 2024, Bergen, Norway

Website: https://dl2024.w.uib.no
Contact: dl2024 at easychair.org


* March 18, 2024        Paper registration & abstract
* March 25, 2024        Paper submission
* May 8th, 2024         Notification of acceptance
* June 3rd, 2024        Camera-ready version due

All dates above are ‘Anywhere on Earth’, namely 23:59 UTC-12

* June 18-21, 2024      Workshop

It is planned to hold DL2024 as an in-person event, that is, at least one author of every accepted paper has to physically attend the workshop.


The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic research community. It is the forum in which those interested in description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information and compare experiences. The 37th edition will be held in Bergen, Norway, from June 18th to June 21st.


We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics, including, but not limited to:

Foundations of description logics:
decidability and complexity of reasoning, expressive power, novel inference problems, inconsistency management, reasoning techniques, modularisation, ontology extraction, abductive and inductive reasoning, learnability

Extensions of description logics:
closed-world and non-monotonic reasoning, epistemic reasoning, temporal and spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge, query answering, reasoning over dynamic information

Integration of description logics with other formalisms:
database query languages, constraint-based programming, logic programming, rule-based systems, knowledge graphs, hybrid reasoning approaches

Applications of description logics:
ontology engineering, ontology languages, databases, ontology-based data access, semi-structured data, graph-structured data, linked data, document management, natural language, hybrid approaches combining logic and learning, explanations, planning, Semantic Web, cloud computing, conceptual modeling, web services, business processes, practical experiences, case studies, feasibility studies

Systems and tools of all kinds around description logics:
reasoners, ontology editors, ontology alignment, ontology extraction, ontology learning and mining, other support for ontology development, database schema design, query rewriting/answering/optimization, data integration, implementation and optimization techniques, benchmarking, evaluation, modeling


DL reviewing is single-blind, so the names of the authors will be visible to the reviewers and should be indicated on the submitted files. We allow anonymous submission on request (see below).

Submissions within the workshop scope may be of two types:

A. Regular papers of up to 11 pages (excluding references).
B. Extended abstracts of 2–4 pages (excluding references).

Both regular papers and abstracts must be formatted using the new CEURART style, based on the DL-specific template available on:


and submitted via Easychair.

Submissions of type A must contain enough substance that they can be cited in other publications and may not have appeared before (nor be under submission). A clearly marked appendix with additional proofs and evaluation data may be included.

For submissions of type B, we highly encourage a clearly marked appendix with additional proofs, evaluation data, or extended version of your paper, which was accepted at another conference or which you submitted or plan to submit to another conference. Abstracts of papers accepted or under review at other venues must clearly state the venue where the paper has been submitted alongside its status.

The appendix will be read at the discretion of the reviewers and will not be included in the proceedings. The appendix does not need to be in the CEURART format.

Accepted submissions of both types will be selected for either oral or poster presentation at the workshop. Submissions will be judged solely based on their content, and the type of submission will have no bearing on the decision between oral and poster presentation.

Anonymous Submission
In justified cases, if you wish your submission to be handled anonymously (i.e. double-blind), please send an e-mail to the PC co-chairs explaining the reasons. You will receive instructions on how to proceed.


General & Local Chair:
Ana Ozaki · University of Oslo & University of Bergen, Norway

PC Co-Chairs:
Laura Giordano · University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
Jean Christoph Jung · Technical University of Dortmund, Germany

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Andrea Mazzullo · University of Trento, Italy
Victor Lacerda · University of Bergen, Norway

PC co-chairs can be contacted via e-mail: dl2024 “at” easychair.org.