The Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security is offering the following five professorship positions to be filled as early as possible:
1.) Professorship (W3) for Trustworthy Data Science. Located at the Department of Computer Science, TU Dortmund University
2.) Professorship (W3) for Human Understanding of Machines and Algorithms. Located at the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science, University of Duisburg-Essen.
3.) Professorship (Open Rank: W3 or W2 tenure track to W3) for Computing and Society Located at the Department of Computer Science, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
4.) Professorship (Open Rank: W3 or W2 tenure track to W3) for Causality Located at the at the Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund University.
5.) Professorship (Open Rank: W3 or W2 tenure track to W3) for Fairness and Transparency. Located at the Department of Computer Science, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
The Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security addresses the trustworthiness of intelligent systems in safety-critical applications. A unique, human-centered research approach covers the entire interdisciplinary research of trustworthy data analytics, explainable machine learning, and privacy-aware algorithms.
All professorships have a reduced teaching load of four semester hours.
If you are interested, please find the advertisements for the open professorships in full length at the website of the Research Center: or contact Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller: