* CORE Conference          

** Google Scholar H5-Index = 25

*** Indexed in Scopus, WoS, DBLP, etc.

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List of Workshops accepted in WorldCIST'24:

The 12th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, March 26-28, 2024


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Workshop Submissions:



List of Workshops:

WorldCIST2024 will feature a set of Workshops on specific subjects, including:

-> 12nd Workshop on Special Interest Group on ICT for Auditing & Accounting (WICTA 2024)

-> 4th Workshop on Open Learning and Inclusive Education Through Information and Communication Technology (OLIE-ICT 2024)

-> 3rd Workshop on Digital Marketing and Communication, Technologies, and Applications (DMCTA 2024)

-> 3rd Workshop on Recent Advances in Deep Learning Methods and Evolutionary Computing for Health Care (RADLM&ECHC 2024)

-> 2nd Workshop on Data Mining and Machine Learning in Smart Cities (WDMMLSC 2024)

-> 1st Workshop on The role of the technologies in the research of the migrations (RTRM 2024)

-> 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Models and Artifacts for Business Intelligence Applications (AIM&ABIA 2024)

-> 1st Workshop on AI in Education (AIEd 2024)

-> 1st Workshop on Environmental data analytics (EDA 2024)  

-> 1st Workshop on Forest-Inspired Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications (FICIMA 2024)

-> 1st Workshop on Railway Operations, Modeling and Safety (ROMS 2024)

-> 1st Workshop on Technology Management in the Electrical Generation Industry: Capacity Building through Knowledge, Resources and Networks (TMEGI 2024)

-> 1st Workshop on Data Privacy and Protection in Modern Technologies (DPPMT 2024)

-> 1st Workshop on Strategies and Challenges in Modern NLP: From Argumentation to Ethical Deployment (SCM-NLP 2024)


Workshop Submissions:



Website of WorldCIST'24: http://worldcist.org/


WorldCIST'24 Team

