I received an offline note that said I was being too negative about the power of the LLM-based technology.

I never wanted to give that impression.  I am enthusiastic about that technology and its potential.

But I am also enthusiastic about the achievements of the 70 years of  AI and computer science.  The most important new developments take advantage of both.   I often criticize attempts to use LLMs for applications that they cannot support -- deductive reasoning is a prime example.

I am most enthusiastic about the hybrids, but I am critical of attempts to make LLMs do things that they cannot achieve by themselves.  Therefore, I frequently comment on the failures of LLM applications that do not make a proper balance.   There are many, many examples.  Many of the ones I discuss were sent to me by other people -- often in offline notes by people who would prefer not to be mentioned.

If anybody thinks that I have not achieved a proper balance in one or more notes, please cite the examples.  Some people do so on the lists and others send me offline notes.
