Differential Propositional Calculus • 17
Differential Propositions • Tangent Spaces —
The “tangent space” to A at one of its points x, sometimes written Tₓ(A),
takes the form dA = ⟨d†A†⟩ = ⟨da₁, …, daₙ⟩. Strictly speaking, the name
“cotangent space” is probably more correct for this construction but
since we take up spaces and their duals in pairs to form our universes
of discourse it allows our language to be pliable here.
Proceeding as we did with the base space A, the tangent space dA at a point of A
may be analyzed as the following product of distinct and independent factors.
• dA = ∏ dAₖ = dA₁ × … × dAₙ
Each factor dAₖ is a set consisting of two differential propositions,
dAₖ = {(daₖ), daₖ}, where (daₖ) is a proposition with the logical value
of ¬daₖ. Each component dAₖ has the type B, operating under the ordered
correspondence {(daₖ), daₖ} ≅ {0, 1}. A measure of clarity is achieved,
however, by acknowledging the differential usage with a superficially
distinct type D, whose sense may be indicated as follows.
• D = {(daₖ), daₖ} = {same, different} = {stay, change} = {stop, step}.
Viewed within a coordinate representation, spaces of type Bⁿ and Dⁿ may
appear to be identical sets of binary vectors, but taking a view at that
level of abstraction would be like ignoring the qualitative units and the
diverse dimensions that distinguish position and momentum, or the different
roles of quantity and impulse.
Resources —
Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems
Differential Propositions • Tangent Spaces