Protege is limited to OWL, which is more complex and more limited than first-order logic.

But I realize that many uses of a type hierarchy do not require the full power of FOL.   My recommendation would be Aristotle's syllogisms for a type hierarchy, supplemented with FOL for a constraint language.  This was the original intention for description logic before the decidability gang restricted its expressive power.

Unfortunately, the constraint of decidability had three results:  (1) it made the language more complex; (2) it seriously limited its expressive power; (3) it made it unusable for a wide range of tools in AI, computer science, and commercial products.  There are many reasoning tools that are more expressive, more powerful, and easier to use than Protege.

For a brief overview of Aristotle's syllogisms, see slides 25 to 30 of 

For more detail about Aristotle and modern logics, see all slides of patolog1.pdf and any references cited on any of those slides.

From: "Mara Abel" <>


We are wondering here if we can use the reasoning of Protege to
automatically produce labels for the entities and instances of a domain

Any idea about it?

Thank folks!